well, great, somebody just had to ruin my all so perfect week... yes, someone actually could do that when i'm at like the happiest point of my life, why dow this kinda crap always have to happen to me? just with a single, short sentence just poisoned my whole week... haiz..
tell me whats wrong with just telling me by phone or just a single sms a.k.a short messaging system, it's so short and simple.... even my grandma could have done it... and i dun know why i have to find out from another individual and look so freaking dumb for being so stupid about it cause everyone else seems to already known about it... so i'm not important, i get it, i agree i may not be fit for doing it all so if u think so just say la, c'mon la... u had so long a time to tell and wat couldnt even do it? c'mon man, i just wanted to know... and those who read my blog and know wats going on, even if u told me now, it dont matter...
__well, with that event still in my head i know wats gonna happen during the next few months of life.... i've already decided my answer for the coming year... hahaha... it was never mine, u never gave a chance... hahaha... =D i'm so broken and realli degraded now, after all this time, haha... nth more to say...
i gave my last words, i'll do wat i must and i shall proceed as i will...

this phone has a meaning to this post! hahah... cute and nice though! hahaha...
well, i'm got NEWS! hahaha... well it's sorta of mixed between good and bad lar... i dun realli wanna bring it up but i have ntht o blog about and i hope that this entry will change some people's perspective... hahah... well here goes.. =/
ever so recently, the club, MMEC has been receiving lots of call from SAA officers and lecturers via me and mingjian (incase u dunno him, his the current AY president la).. why? cause it's like i dunno, seems like someone is out to get the club and not very happy with it... haiz.. the person send an email to the lecturers and SAA officers about the videos we posted on youtube, when we guys were just having some fun and well in SAC area... the video were sorta bending certain rules but yea, it was for the fun of it... anyways, he/she gave the link to the video and then the videos were checked out by the lecturers and SAA officer.. and then u know wat happens, get complains saying that students are not discipline and stuff and it's due to the club not teaching them...
i had to slowly clarify to them and explain and well it's realli demanding cause i have so many things at hand and so busy.. do u know i have the worst ITP ever, a 6-day week, and everyday i have to do heavy work and dirty work while other of my frens canjust lay ard, i have to keep thinking bout FO Camp cause if it fails, we have no members next yr.... and how bout my personal life? and then i have people calling me telling me that wat i've done is nth else but bad... u know it's like i take so much of my time just to make things nice and perfect and easy for people and yet someone is making it a tougher job for me...
then after that cleared off, another sender send a picture of us having cigarettes and posing.. again it was just for the fun of it and well i dunno...and so SAA officer rushed me during my job and so did the lecturer and i got a scolding from my workplace manager cause i talked on the phone when i was supose to do my work... haiz...why oh why? and tell me wat are the chances that TWO different people would do something like that? so i think its just one individual out to get us... haiz... i'm not gonna say any names but if u r who i think u are, why are u doing this? i just want to know... i try to be fun and nice and everything, mayb u may not accept how we do things thats fine with me,but dun take the club down if u have something against us man... i love the club more than anything in this world!! and if it was gone, i'd dunno wat to do...
so i'm asking you, whoever u are, if u're reading this, please dont do it anymore... u can kill me, stab me,step on me but dun destroy the club... i'll beg u if u want me to, anything just dun do this.. and i dont hate u for doing wat u do, i'm sure u have ur reasons, but please put it all behind... haiz...
other than that i have some new, that FO Camp is going pretty well and everythings fine... asyiq is doing a realli realli good job, even if his not gonna be in MC next year, he actually gave his all to do the Camp, thats someone u dun get t see everyday... hahaha... i'm proud of him and anyone shuld be!
well that's all! chaoz!
i have not been updating for over a week... well, i am back to like a boring life with just nth but work and work and more work (attachment)!! haahaha... i'm seriously getting very very sick of work right now.. it's like becoming a torture than being a training programme...
well, today happens to be one of those gloomy sundays, but not because tmr is MONDAY(work again ma), but more because of a personal preference? i dunno, it's like i'm a person of realli deep thoughts and i will plan for the future even way before, like really way before, like in a year or mayb mths... it's like the thing i like to indulge myself in cause i really can 'sorta' plan for wat i want and see how things are gonna be like in the near future if i took these few steps... welll right now, i having one of those deep thoughts, although abit emo, well, i just wanna say wat i think...
i had been having these thoughts in my life, i dunno, i feel like giving up somethings in my life cause i think its the best way for things to happen, but at the same time, if i do give it up, i'll lose the last thing that means the most to me... i realli have nth more left in this life and i'm hoping for an answer... i've been wanting to be where i am for the past 2years, but now that i have it at hand, i dunno if i should take it cause i dun know if i'm doing it for the right reasons or otherwise... will i be selfish for thinking for myself? but i've given so much of my time and energy to it and well i hate to leave but i want to for another reason.... i dont think i'm worthy enough of it..=/
and i know i say this alot, and it is true, it's like i'm living several lives all at once, a life in school, a life at home, and a life outside my boundaries... i can't juggle all these things and still be one person.. hahaha.. i dun expect anyone to understand cause it's really difficult to understand, even i smtimes don't understand it myself... it's like those times when u wishes u were smone else cause u're living the worst life, but i mean everyone thinks like that smtimes, so i keep telling myself its all part of life, but i cant keep telling myself that, and i know i have a worst life, far worst than those kids in africa... i know it's hard to believe but it's just how i feel...
so i'm back to the point why does my life have to be like that, why not smone else? and i dunno wat i shuld do anymore, i just wished the answer would reveal itself instead of me trying to find it...
well... enough bout ... time for some calm and peace...
hmmm.... it's gonna be MOP (Mass Orientation Programme) this week! hope we gather alot of fun and interesting campers! haha...
well, i think it'll be a fun FO camp! just have to rush out a few things more and everythings gonna be fine... i cant wait to see ASYIQ in action..
well, that's all folks! (((:
well well, guess wat, i've been browsing other people's blog recently, and i could help but notice smth that someone posted something very odd and particularly targeting ME! lols... yeah, tat's like a first.... seems he didnt like the way i did my posts cause it seemed to resemble his post too a large extend... well, i have to admit it does...
BUT, BUT....but out of the millions of bloggers of the WORLD, i'm sure there are others just a similar so are u gonna give a lecture about it so that no one does the same? O.o? pretty pointless and well i mean wat's wrong.... even human has his/her rights too... i'm not angry or anything but i think it's the other way ard?
well, i dun wanna like be 'accussed' of being a "COPYCAT" so yea, i'll stop with the things...i'm sure u're not pissed bout my blog, but rather at me... and even blog i had, u always we not too happy bout it... why? cause u STRONGLY believe it was fake... -_-" ever thought the other way ard? guess not eh?
and honestly speaking, i've been honest with u the whole time it's just u find it so hard to believe the things i wanna say and well, it's just up to u to believe me.. and if u want to say smth, do it directly, not from the pages of ur blog.... no one's pretending...
and guess wat, i can be a farking biatch and a nice person at the same time and fret not, i'm not gonna explode with my sorrows and *blah blah blah*, (there's a whole list of things i could lay out).... i've always been and will be...
well, back to real life.... hahaha.... 35 more days of work left! wee~ and after tat i'm gonna explode with joy! lol... i've missed school so much... i wanna go back so badly.. i've decide my new AY08/09 to be a year filled with losta fun and well fun cause it'll be twice the fun! yay! hmmm... i hope i become a good president cause i dun wanna let people down but at the same time make it a memorable time during my rule (wa seh!)... anyways, i'll treat everyone equally! :)
omg... this entry is so wordy... lets see wat i can find one the net.... hmmm.....
**The 1800-SAFE-TALIBAN hotline is not a toll free hotline. Each call is at $3.00/min and will not be charged lesser than $15/per call. Just another skimming tactic to make money. Terms & Conditions apply..
I've been counting... onli 36 more days of work to go before the whole itp shit ends!! yay! *snap snap* anyways, minus 3 days from FO camp leave and 1 day for Gd Friday means i have 32 more days to work!! ahah.. but if i didnt have to work on weekend that would minus another 6 meaning i have onli 26days of work left... dammit, my life is cursed for the worst! lol!
well, lots been happening over the weekend... got the pantry area in club set up, just a lil' corner u know... then Jianyao finally has his dream CRUMPLER bag and he calls it lollia or smth... and it's friends with his tako(8brothers & 1 sista) lol.... he's just a little boy with some wild imagination, that bangla's all over the world would like to get there hand on.. rofl... anyways, another person hu got his CRUMPLER is miswan!!! walau, everyone in mm seems to have 1 now... me, tohlin, jy, eugene, miswan, radzif, manyu, desiree... it's like...wert.... so boring already la...
tat's why i came up with this brilliant plan to get a TAGGER! not tag heuer but TAGGER! it's some american bag which u can customize to ur liking... but it's still pretty small as compared to a crumpler but yeah, wth, i'm still gonna get it.... other new things i shuld be getting would be a new phone! yay! cant wait, the excitement is killng me.. also wanted to get a new pair of snickers but yeah we'll (me and my money) see if its viable...
tagger!! so nice...
anyways, smone at work read my hand and told me that i'm the sort who will spend without thinking... so yeah, he said i would just spend and spend until i became broke so i'm scared cause wat he said was sorta true except the broke part so i must avoid it... he also said i have a good love life *bullshit*, well mayb in the near future i hope! yay!