the update~!
Monday, April 28, 2008
so cute right... if onli i could own him.... awww... i'll shower him wif love everday la... haiz..=/

hahahaha... look at this cat damn cute lar i tell u! i love animals.... and you! x)
man! it's been like centuries since i updated so i shall update before spiders make their web in my blog and it becomes spooky (not that it already isnt) so yeah, practically this will be a post full of pictures so yes! i'll let the pictures do the talking today... hahaha... lazy to type i guess and not realli very energetic recently... lol... HERE GOES....
first up... so overly dated pictures of petrelli! i love him...!! but i love someone else more! :))

that's him..! abit blur cause he moved then never use flash cause later he sacred lar... but he's just trying out his new home! i love him! (:

oh.... thats's him too! and i bought him that blue cookie monster doll so he can play with it while i search for a companion for him... he looks amazed by it...

oh! doesnt he look so cute in this one? he was nibblling on something! x)

hahaha... caught him sleeping during my OM lesson... hahaha.. so how, i also wanted to slp too...
well thats all the photos i have of petrelli! hope more to come! anyways next was my uncle b'dae during saturday! hahaha...check out my nieces! so many lar!! i feel old! =_="

cake cutting session! look happy faces! =D

camwhore for me pls? =D
more camwhoring of nieces and nephews.. hahaha... yayness! (:
he's damn cute right! hahaha.... his name is gunawan! hahaha... and he's damn funni! and adorable!! i wish i could have kids... dammit!
and of course, some self-camwhoring? hahahaha... not bad eh?

and yes! a true camwhore at his best! lol... i amde my nieces with handphone put this a their display picture and edit it as best uncle! hahahaha... so funnni... x)
UNGLAM TIMES! hahahaha... i love this part! =D

look, it's sze jian yao doing some weird thing with his mouth... lol... like scolding at the same time i dunno... just weird actions always come from him... hurhur...

hahaha... huishan! hahaha but karen managed to avoid it... hahaha... check out the indian guy at the back of huishan la, like some gundu... trying to avoid my camera... haha.. whore!
i finally manage to catch a unglam picture of karen! i'm so proud! hahaha... =D
it's 7:56 PM now
my heart go shalalalala.. =D
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
well, some of u people may have tried to access my blog ytd but have failed as i made it private, but now, it's free and open once more! hahaha... well the reason i made it private was that i was so pissed i wrote a post saying the name of the person and some reallli awful vulgar language but yea, it was just to vent anger so but i'm ok not and the post has been deleted...i think...hmmm....yup it has been deleted! Wheee~ *pig squilling*
then yeah, the day has been pretty normal and ok... just that club now has signs (drawn by khalis khan, shaded by zaki) like almost everywhere! the bean bag area, the table area, the board, the pantry area, the pantry table!! it's everywhere... lol... and tmr i gonna be the MM interview day! hahaha... can't wait to recruit new members into the club and hopefully i'll fulfil my duty as a veyr very very gd president! yay! if i screw up i'm sorry.. =/
then yea, after scholl when to vivo to get the receipt for the campsite to settle the payment and stuff then decide to walk ard to see see... so tohlin decided to go to see the pet shop! and then, me and jy saw this lonely little hamster in the glass panel and it looked so alone so i so wanted a hamster after like so long cause i longed something to care for and it wont matter bout u as long as u treat it well.... then jy had this crazy but awesome idea to share the hamster, after all i couldnt bring it home cause my mum would skin me alive i think if she found out... hahaha...
so yeah, we went searching for a little home, first got a cage but it's like so sad looking and thot the little cutie deserved more so we got like a bigger and much more plesant new home for him... then got him the food and the wood shavings for the home... after finding all that, me and him, we forgot to ask if the hamster was available for buying, but luckily after asking it was!!!
so went out the pet shop and the first thing i asked jy was like... so wat do u want to name him.... so while we sat at the corner and filled his(hamsters) water bottle, filled his home with the wood chippings and his food tray with food, we all came up with different names.. i wanted it to be called zaid-2, some wanted bobby, mariposa, bitch etc... so many but then the name peter petrelli came to mind.... so we decided to call him petrelli, he can fly, well not realli but he loves to jump off the second floor of his home instead of using the slide... hahaha... he's like a super hyper active hamster (arent they all...)... but it's damn nice to have one... and incase u're asking... did zaid just buy it out of impulse, the answer is NO.... i have a reason for it and well some people will know but i love my petrelli! hahaha.. x)
well, it's not at jy's hse... and guess wat, jy just told me he shitted! lol... how cute can petrelli get man... thats all today... till next time, more of petrelli... hahaha... i'll upload a photo soon!!! yay!
it's 8:59 PM now
let's just press the reset button... :D
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
well, nth much has happened today in school.. hahaha... oh wait, there was... one thing? my flu! it was like terrbile, everytime i went into tutorial classroom i'd sneeze like nobody's business... hahaha... and i practically toook the whole tissue box from club to my lesson... mayb i'm just allergic to tutorials! lol... anyways, hope it goes away tmr, i dun wanna have a red nose and sounding unglam blowing my noise like an elephant! lol...
well, incase u havent realised wat my last post was about, u have to read KHALIS KHAN's blog... it's like irritating and make emo people angry people... lol... anyways, yeah, did the post specially for him to show him how insulting it actually is, when people talk about u! lol... but turns out a lil funni... so yeah, must see one!
yeah, for this post, it's all bout re-starting/reseting my life and stuff... hahaha... if only we humans had a reset button to go back to the start where there was nth to care for and no problems... if onli i could do that then mayb i could erase all the feeling i have now and make them go away for good and if they returned, damn, the reset button me presses again.. hahah..
but humans don't work that way, we're not machines or computers, we have a soul which seperates us all... and although souls tend to be the reasons for ghosts(whatever), it makes us special and gives us life... hahaha... so humans, are born to be loved and love another, so we spread the love... and we love others...
i wish i could love you... hahaha... and i do but yeah... it'll leave it at that... =/ (later khalis say i emo again)...
it's 7:07 PM now
oh well.... khalis khan is emo...
he's like freaking emo (he claims in his blog)
he feels so alone.... he wants to die....
he feels so emo.... he wants to cut himself...
if u see him, slap him,
if u have a knife, stab his arse,
if u have a gun shoot his balls!!
seriously when i see him, the word emo comes to mind...
he's so emo...
and he claims to get $1 for everytime he says that...
and well who in the right mind would give him that?
well, he's emo....
in his own sad little gay world...
he wishes for a meaning in life...
hahahaha... such a whore...
EMO bitch!
go cut urself.... then u'll feel better!
go fark urself! wahahaha...
it's 11:51 AM now
Monday, April 21, 2008
well ytd was fo bbq and managed to take a few shots of the things that took place, the wonderful people and here were some!! feast ur eyes on the people of MMEC!!!

this is the dai dee game which mm students indulge in when they are bored... very very addictive and interesting... and u can see john a.k.a Mr Crabs smiling to the camera.. lol...

hahahaha!! check it out! after several failed attempts i manage to get a clear from view shot of jianyao's new haircut, he claims to want to grow his black hair back so he went to have it cut.. hahaha.. well, me thinks he looks like a porkupine(speel correct but i like the word 'pork' in it)..

hahaha... the MM original 100% bangla.. hahahaha... trying to show off his teeths and wat's with the hair dude..oh wait, bangla hair... ahaha... :D

hahaha... the MM bangla again! hahaha.. this time is a darker picture so u can't realli see his face well... but the teeth is still visible! XD

hmmm.... supposed to be a picture of tohlin and fengyuan wearing the same ting but abit dark le... ):

oh look! Mr Crabbs! hahahaha... so funni.. camwhoring for the camera! =D

the bangla again..... -_-... getting sick of his fotos too many....

oh look... asyiq, hole, miswan and alex in this foto.. hahaha.. miswan's cooking up a storm i see.. hahaha... omg, the bangla is also in the picture, with a satay stick in his mouth..

mr khalis khan and other people insignificant to me... hahaha... he looks happy... shouldnt we all be?

and not forgetting the FABulous fatin! hahaha... looking glam and... well just glam.. hahaha... she's like my main whore general.. hahaha..=))
and well thats all the fotos i took cause i was like too busy flirting ard and just doing crazy stuff... hahahaha... well my moods abit up today so hurray for that!! (:
it's 6:26 PM now
the way things go around
Sunday, April 20, 2008
well, today is one of those boring saturdays whr one wakes up to realise that there's nth much to do, and i so happen to be one of them... so i went online, asked a few people wat their plans for the day was, and practically half didnt reply and the other we lazy... so yar, took a shower, cwore smth and dashed out of my house, with my iPod on full blast covering my ears... then while walking, i had my mind thinkin on where i shuld venture off on such a wonderful yet boring saturday... and guess wat, i decided to go to my usual boring hangout, ORCHARD ROAD!
so yea, walked to the busstop and waited.... so then the bus just came within 2mins and i boarded it, bus 105.. so yeah, in the bus kept feelin uneasy cause seems like people staring at me and stuff, usually happens so yeah, i just kept quiet to myself and like about commonwealth, i got a seat... hahaha... so happy cause people would stop staring at me i guess... then dropped off at shaw busstop... when to my part-time job place, helped out for 1hr plus, chatted and then when to far east to buy lunch for the people working...
then i went chippy and bought the mash potato and sausage and also ordered some stuff from sakura for the people lor... then after all the food collected, i dashed back to shaw and delivered the food.. hahaha... then i thot why not call a fren to share my boredom and so i did, actually i just smsed.. lol.. and yeah, he was free to join me and so yeah was pretty happi, misery loves company ma... then at shaw i met EDMUND! hahahah... so funni talked awhile then he left with his 'galfren' and then i took off to see ahmad and naz at haagen-daz outlet outside hilton hotel lo...saw them said hi and made my journey upstream towards somerset... hahah...
walking glam-ly and looking like a retard, i went to like DOOM cybercafe to have a lil' game while waiting for my fren to arrive... then guess, wat my fren wanted to watch FORBIDDEN KINGDOM, so yeah, i mean it was a nice show so i agreed to watch it....AGAIN! lol... i dun mind wat... then, he alighted at orchard and walked to shaw, but i wanted to see at cine cause the condition was better so yeah, he ended up walking to cine and then turns out cine no more tix... so yea, awlked back to shaw with him, bitched ard along the street and then thank god shaw had them tix... hahaha...=D
then when it was time for the movie, i used his phone to send retard msges to his kpo frens... lol... and yeah just had fun disturbing... lol... then just walked ard after the movie... went to rochor road beancurd to get some beancurd and food for my dinner and like yar, a pimple popped on my left cheek... lol... and i also found out that my fren likes punching people to relieve his CONSTIPATION! ROFL... how weird can it get right? lol.... and well then we parted and b4 we parted met a bunch of drunk eurasian and they were like boys gone wild kind... lol.. reali cracked in the head... anyways, nice to have someone to spend a boring day... lol...
now at home, eat like 2 of the 4 beancurd i bought... my bro ate 1 onli so one left... mayb later after this post... like updating my stuff and chatting... OH! tmr is FO Camp BBQ at East Coast Park... so looking forward to it cause i'll be realli happi!! hahahaha... i mean realli happi as in REALLI REALLI happi! hahahaha...=D can't wait... till tmr then! choaz...
it's 12:06 AM now
am i such a horrible person
Saturday, April 19, 2008
it's not that i've fallen for another.... i've told u before, i still have someone else in my heart even before anything happened, and i seeked ur understanding cause it wasn't easy for me and i know for u too... but yea, if u think i'm the sort who runs around and just playing with others feeling, then there's realli nth much i can do about it... hmmm....
and i realli think alot before i decide smth, so yea, i did put alot of thinking into that and considered all the possibilities and even if it wont work out for me, it doesnt always have to be about me... well i just had to say this... =/
it's 12:23 PM now
my heart's in the wrong place.... sigh
Friday, April 18, 2008
hey hey my blog!! well, my blogs supposed to be about the bittersweet in life (LIKE D-U-H, DUH! the name says it all... =_=") but lately, it's all about the bitterness in life thats like feeling up my ever so boring and sad life... hurhur... =/ i dunno guess it's karma and stuff, but yea, who's to say for the all mighty know's best and i believe there is a reason for one's purpose in life...
so wat could my purpose be in life i ask him everyday.... so i wait patiently, lying on my bed hoping that he'll strike me with a reply but i guess i he's busy with stuff, like he has a few billion other people to look after and well yea, it's no worry i can still wait... smtimes, i think he's like showing me a sign and stuff, but everytime i follow the sign i'm like always getting into trouble or getting people i care for into trouble... haiz... so guess, i'm just blind...
anyways, yeah, my life has been a junk yard, wait lemme rephrase that, a junk yard filled with sorrow... hahaha... i have no idea wat it means, i just feel surrounded by sorrow... yea, it always has been and i dunno how to clear the huge pile of junk from my heart and make it free, clean and vibrant... everytime i feel there's hope, it'll just burn away, burnt by the inceneration plant in that freaking junk yard.... i should shut it down, but wat the heck, it's not controlled by me, it's controlled by the people i consider to have a great impact in my life... BOOHOO! =O
well today, i feel that i've sinned yet another time and doing things for the wrong reaons and just living like a fantasy... i dunno wat i'm thinking sometimes, mayb i'm just the person who just want to live and hope for things to turn out... but i guess thats not how life works and well, i'm just dumb.. thank god i'm not blonde, i'd be 2X?(double) dumb! ROFL! yeah...
i dunno man, i dunno if i like u or it's just a past feeling coming back to haunt me, why cant u just forget my number and dun msg me? i'm not gonna deny that i'm happi everytime i get a msg frm u, i realli am till i cant stop smiling and thinking bout u... but it's not wat i hoped for, especially not from u... haiz... but if this is like my purpose in life then i'll have to accept it... aww man... and honestly, i still do very much LOVE YOU...still... =/
i know i mean seem and sound like a playboy or etc. but there's another in my heart now, i may not love, but i realli do like alot... hahaha... in fact i feel quite happy about it... =) but yeah, i know it's just gonna be another fantasy ride again so while it last i'll make the best of it and make ur life like the way u want it to be... and if u find out, i dunno wat i would do... sigh... but one thing for sure it, u realli realli put a smile on my face and u made me less talkative and much nicer (if people actually noticed....lols... guess not bah...)
so yeah afterall, there is a little sweetness in all this bitterness... hahaha... =D i'm happi again... i get happi fast just FYI... lol... anyways in other news, less emo, me and ma frens watched FORBIDDEN KINGDOM today! awesome show.... and it was pretty fun and worth the money on the tickets man!! hahaha... but just to show how dumb i was, i didnt realli know there was such a show the whole time and i kept forgetting even when farid told me tt he wanted to watch the show... i kept calling it kingdom shit... but it's not shit, but if it was, hell ya farid, it's some awesome shit...
thats all... i'll blogg again soon... bye peps! C=
it's 10:27 PM now
and suddenly, it hits me... it's not you, but it's me.. =/
Thursday, April 17, 2008
i'm finally back with my first post of the month! haha... amazing but true, have been pretty busy for the past few days, so yeah, haven realli had the time to update... the past few days have been a real bittersweet experience and well i'm like lost in my own mind... sometimes, i wish the answers would just appear right infront of me instead of me trying to find it... but i guess...thats not how life works.. but before i start on the sad content... lets talk about smth SOooo not sad... FO CAMP 08/09 is finally over and glad to say it went pretty well and funny too! I'm sorta happy it's over but at the same time i'm not realli too thrilled bout it being over cause it was a very fun period of time! haha... i'll share some pictures i think are interesting... haha...
camp cheif pepek making out with eugene tan! this is a common sight! like totally....
seriously that is one hot chick with dick man... even camp cheif pepek cant resist it! =D
khalis khan and nasrul (darling i) doing a glam pose... and farhan looking like a nerd at the back... lols... like so duh.... =.=
some camp love making session brought to u by eugene tan (top) and lester cheng (bottom).. :D i so like this picture...NOT!
omg... haha... this is like an unglam picture of Jian Yao a.k.a Horny BOI! lol... but yea, doesnt he look like blur cute in this picture? lol... some people say he looks cute some say he looks emo... hu knows, mayb he's just a misunderstood boy... (:
gp+ gl group 1... luffy, mudd, benedict, lester, khalis, ah lee, jian yao, huishan, wei sum! all like everyready to fight!

gp+gls group 2... hahaha... from top left to right.. rasul, eugene 2, hui xian, karen thiri, fatin, alif and hamizan... they r cool and!! =)
and wat would camps be without the campers?! pratically just the gp's and gl's and a whore(ME!)... so here are some pictures of the campers...

group 2: MOMOKs
group 3: THE POHCONGs
i've saved the best for last... group 4: GHOSTBUSTERS a.k.a GAYBOYS
wat would a cap be without the usual bangla hanging around... hahaha... that's why we have our very own bangla man, DENAN SAHER.. LOLs..

another picture of group GHOSTBUSTERS, but the main concentration is at KHLAIS KHAN's body pose and look at camp cheif pepek! haha... they look glam!

haha... manage to get a shot of FATIN getting a nap in the middle of the camp and well it was seriously unglam and funni and i bet she'll kill me if she saw it! ROFL..=X
another camp love making session... hahaha... check out the looks on the faces la... LOL...
well, thats some of the 900+ picture that tohlin manage to take... so yeah, it's just a glimpse of the fun things we actually had and did during the 3d/2n camp at St. John Island! =D hope that this wont be the last memories i have of FO Camp... =/ it's was very fun and we had alot of cool freshies and people this year!
now some random photos... hahaha... kill time.... and make this entry longer.... =P

huishan and karen in their ISETAN uniform... hahaha... super cute and funni... =D i promised i onli post the backview ok?
hahaha... caught UNGLAM yet again! rofl... and he looks blur like sotong too in this one... =P
some ticko uncle trying to rape this little innocent chinese boy... hahah... funni... (:
and yet another very GAY pose by KHALIS KHAN with desiree's newly bought nike bag(u can still see the tag on it) and with jian yao looking like a little oversized squirrel posing too.. hahaha... the finger on desiree's cheek is hui xian's... *kinky*

LOOK! such a beautiful sunset right? manage to catch a photo of it at sentosa island from the mini tain station... it's like so sweet and romantic la... *at that point of time, i was like hoping to just see it with only someone else privately cause well it's like supa sweet and i wanted to spend the moment with you...only you.. so mushy.. =_=" and well i just been feeling all this weird feelings about u and stuff...* and people please dont think wrong... it's not wat some of u people may think ok? (just incase)
well, he comes the serious part of this whole post... if u are reading this and i know u will... i'm sorry if i have hurt u in anyways, and it's totally my fault, i know i shuld have thought things through, but i guess i'm just the sort who never thinks carefully.... and it's just that i dont feel anything anymore, it's becoming to numb feeling and i have nth to say anymore to u.... i'm sorry and i hope u will have a happy happy life ahead... must be realli dissapointed and a hell of regret to me... but thing is i told u before, i still love another.... so i'm truly sorry if i did u any wrong.... =/
anyways, another i found out over the past few days is it's hard to kill a past feeling until u kill urself and since i haven killed myself, the feeling just grows and grows... and i'm gonna admit that i cant get over u... i seriously cant! AHHHHH..................!!!!!!!=O
i feel helpless, yet i feel breathless when i think of u... that smile, melts my heart when i see it, and no matter wat u do to urself, u can't change the person i see in u and who you are to me.. i just can't take it, i just want to tell u sometimes, 'i like you'... and infact i have done it so many times just it's when u're not listening and stuff... omg, i sound like a pervert... well, thats the whole truth... i realli do... but then again, i'm not gonna have a dream like that.. hahaha... i'm not even fit for anyone in this world... no one could possibly understand the complexity of my life and fit it to theirs... :( so it doesnt matter, i've felt this way for years, wats another few more gonna do to me... i'll be happy for u if u r happy for urself.. =/
anyways, thats about this for this post! hope i get to post another one soon!!! (:
it's 8:54 PM now