CONFUSED and angry?
Monday, May 26, 2008
!!! WARNING!!!
well, it's this point of time when zaid goes
E-M-O-ing!! yeah.. those realli RARE occasions huh?! (lame ==') anyways yeah, as the title of the post goes to say, i'mma confused and angry... confused and angry but about wat? see that's where i'mma confused again... i dunno wat to be confused and angry bout? should i be angry with my life, my frens, god (oh dear... ): hope not), my family, or just myself? and why should i be confused about? confused about how i ended up whr i am now, confused why things turned out this way for me, or just confused at my luck?then smtimes, i look out of the window late at night and ask myself, why is my life always so screwed up? i cant seem to live the way i want to, not even once have i been content with life no matter how simple i want it to be... =/ or mayb it's just me thinking too much... i can no longer seem to keep track of the number of times i keep telling myself, "hey, life's not so bad, there's someone else out there probably suffering positive...!"and then i'd reach into my pocket to grab into my supply of smiles for one and paste in whr my lips should be resting...
then a breeze would blow onto my cheeks and my cheeks would feel cold... and i would feel my cheeks only to find them wet... and so i walk back into the room, and lay on the bed... and as fall into my own heaven, my surrounddings seem like a blur and all thats felt is me, laying on a wet pillow....
Closed off from love
I didn't need the pain
Once or twice was enough
And it was all in vain
Time starts to pass
Before you know it you're frozen
But something happened
For the very first time with you
My heart melts into the ground
Found something true
And everyone's looking round
Thinking I'm going crazy
But I don't care what they say
I'm in love with you
They try to pull me away
But they don't know the truth
My heart's crippled by the vein
That I keep on closing
You cut me open and I
Keep bleeding
Keep, keep bleeding love
I keep bleeding
I keep, keep bleeding love
Keep bleeding
Keep, keep bleeding love
You cut me open
Trying hard not to hear
But they talk so loud
Their piercing sounds fill my ears
Try to fill me with doubt
Yet I know that the goal
Is to keep me from falling
But nothing's greater
Than the rush that comes with your embrace
And in this world of loneliness I see your face
Yet everyone around me
Thinks that I'm going crazy, maybe, maybe
But I don't care what they say I'm in love with you
They try to pull me away
But they don't know the truth
My heart's crippled by the vein
That I keep on closing
You cut me open and I
Keep bleeding
Keep, keep bleeding love
I keep bleeding
I keep, keep bleeding love
Keep bleeding
Keep, keep bleeding love
You cut me open
And it's draining all of me
Oh they find it hard to believe
I'll be wearing these scars
For everyone to see
I don't care what they say
I'm in love with you
They try to pull me away
But they don't know the truth
My heart's crippled by the vein
That I keep on closing
You cut me open and I
Keep bleeding
Keep, keep bleeding love
I keep bleeding
I keep, keep bleeding love
Keep bleeding
Keep, keep bleeding love
You cut me open and I
Keep bleeding
Keep, keep bleeding love
I keep bleeding
I keep, keep bleeding love
Keep bleeding
Keep, keep bleeding love
You cut me open and
I Keep bleeding
Keep, keep bleeding love
it's 7:41 PM now
Saturday, May 17, 2008
red is so true)
A man who has no balance like his Zodiac symbol. He is not the gentle, cool, calm and charming guy like what you see. He has another dark side ofaggression, stubborn and he likes to start an argument the most. Sometimeshe can be so depress and unstable. Up and down like he is trying to balancehimself most of the time.To many people,
he is a friendly guy and always smile even when he is mad or up set. His voice always gentle and calm. he always set and comb his hair asif he comes out from a shampoo advertisement. Mostly Libra men are goodlooking
(no?), even the ugly one is charming. When he smiles, it is so bright that the whole world is smiling with him too.
When he is in a balance mood, he is the type of person you want to be with.In other unbalancing mood, he likes to make people argue about something and watching it with fascination and fun. He will wait to be the one who compromise and clear thing up. He likes to be in a conflicting conversation.
Libra man is lazy by nature. After his tired day at work, he likes to sitstill and just look out of the window or read quietly. He likes to be in his own world. After recharging his battery, he will be very energetic again and may even take you out that night(so VERY TRUE).Libra man normally will not do any shocking or abnormal things to be noticed. He likes to be conformed with his crowd, but
if you watch him carefully, you will see the different. If he wear a shirt, it will have tobe a zipper front instead of buttons, or a special tie bar. There is alwayssomething in him that he will not allow totally conformity to take him over.A
straight forward , no non-sense guy.
He is careful and delicate in details. He will spent extra time to doing it right, than comes back toc orrect them later. He hates people who boost, or exaggerate (YES!). He does not like over dressed woman or make herself a center of an attention.He loves to read.
He loves poems and loves art. When he works he can work like crazy, but after work he can turn on romantic jazzy music and treat you so gently. He loves to give people advice and normally give a good advice.If you fall for him, you will stay like being trapped in a spider web.
If you want to break up with him, he will persuade you a zillion ways to stay and you can not stop him anyway.
After he persuade you to stay, or after a big fight, he will be so sweet to you as if he has never hurt your feeling before ever.
He will has his own way to win a girl love and affection. Once she says yes,he will lay back and wonder if he should go on or if he should back out. In his teen, he changed many girl friends because he can not clearly separateloving a friend and loving a girl friend. He will check and re-cheek if his match is suitable and compatible with him. ( me like a book!)Even he is a romantic man, he can hardly understand the emotion of the one he loves. He is a generous guy even he sets his life so systematically. He never knows when he makes you unhappy. He never knows how he up set you. He will never knows what he said wrong. If he is your lover, be prepare for this.A
not so pretty girl with no brain is not his type of woman. If you are not pretty enough, he will not mind talking to you but he does not care to get to know you (TRUE). Any girls, pretty or ugly can ask for his help, he will behappy to help. He hates to argue by yelling at each other, so you tend tosee he argue with his girl friend seriously but try at best to be very quiet.He likes to have a girl friend by getting to know each other like a friend first. If you want him, you have to like the same thing he does. He prefers a pretty and gentle woman than a smart and ugly woman. You have to understand his mood especially he can has many different moods. He is aprivate person, so when he needs to be alone better let him many thanks to desiree to send to me... wow... i think its damn cool! hahaha...
it's 12:13 AM now
== yet another boring weekend passing by...
well it has been another one of those boring weekends again.... at least this one is different... i didnt have my N95 with me... today marks the 1week anniversary of my lost fone... i feel damn sad and pathetic sometimes when i look at my current n70.... well, i guess i shuld start to get used to it rather than hopelessly waiting like i always have been in different expects in life.. HAHAH....
school has been going on smoothly and quite fine... and everything is kinda good i guess... graduation in this thurs! cant wait to see the seniors! hahaha... kinda missed them a lil' anyways yeah.... hahaha... other than day, next week got like a few tests here and thr so yeah, must buck up!!! wee~
well ytd after work, went to walk ard alone in town ==... till like 7pm then i decided to head home... after heading home, i made a stop at NTUC, figured since i had so much time, might as do some cooking! hahaha... so bought some shrimp, steak and fish! then yeah, i went home in glee~ cause i finally had smth to do...
first thing i did was marinate both the fish and the steak and then left in it the fridge to settle... hahah... then yeah, next peeled the prawns (hate doing this =='), and yeah after peeling, slice it into pieces to be made into the dumplings! hahahaha... then i wrapped the shrimps into the dumpling skins and TAADAAAH!
so next things was i stripped and took a shower.... XD the shower felt good and well the muscle strains in my body like relaxed! then after bathing,,
LET THE COOKING BEGIN! so yeah, i i placed the fish in the steamer, the steak onto the flat faced pan and fried the dumplings! and i finished it all by 8.30pm! and then i realised, i didnt cook any rice!! == so yeah, i just ate it as it was... LOL... had a hell lot of dumplings leftover.... hahaha... but yeah dinner was HEAVEN!
then afterwards, tired to find someone people to talk to, managed to find one... hahaha... then yeah talked had some laugh and well then i jut slept... zzzz.....
it's 12:13 AM now
I am and still will be bored and sad
well, lazy to blog today... no mood.... but yeah, just listen to the song... i love it...
makes me think of things i never though of before!
it's 12:13 AM now
life sucks!
well, as some might have known, i have lost my phone! my N95 98GB! the fone that i spend 3 mths starving, (2mths during itp and 1 mth after cause i no money after buying)... and the fone that was like my most prized possesion was stolen from me at work... how? i dun wanna talk bout it...but i can tell u this i lost it at work... work sucks... i lost all my contacts and all my msges and all my personal stuff... so sad i tell u... but yeah, guess all things happen for a reason...

and i was working so yea, had to look happy and positive and attend to customers... damn annoying i tell u... people still want to provoke me.. so yeah, at work was serving customers and yeah, my frens fren came to like met him, girlfriend la, she came with two other gals... and yeah while serving they came to talk to me, ask if i was single, blah blah blah, then asked me for my number... x_x wth la... i just lost my fone... so it was kinda sad... and i was like haha... i lost my fone... but yeah, then the 3 girls keep saying i was cute, wtf man, i'm not cute?! me? nabei, people got eyesight deformation or wat? hahaha...
girls stop asking me for my number and stuff pls... i no mood to entertain if u say good things bout me cause i dun think i'm that good... i'm just normal, or below average? hmm.. hu knows...
then yeah after that made a police report of my fone and went home at 2am sad... i kept plaing with my fone box cause well i misssed my fone... i realli do... haiz... i wanted to hold it so badly... like it just sucked... fiddle witht the box for a long time and then kept it in the drawer.. then slept...
then today called in sick for work cause i just felt damn sick and no mood... when my grandma's place at tampines, wearing, slipper, jeans and a t-shirt and my hair was all over the place... so then told my dad to drop me at taka to make a new sim card and well, walking ard orchard dressed like tt means u r just weird and (f)ugly so yeah people kept looking like i was some begger... met someone i didnt need to met yet and i was like wtfh!!?! i just avoided... then got my sim card and like used it! wee~
then headed to suntec met the gang cause oliver wanted to buy a present for some girl.... so yeah, oliver and denan had their haircuts and well looked pretty awesome i might say... hahaha... then we went pizzza hut... i wasnt felling the least happy at all so yeah, just pretended to be happy and then at one pt i just stood up and decided to walk away... i walked to the toilet whr i sat on in the cubicle and i cried abit... i was just...nvm.... after that went back and then i just tried my best to seem happy...and we ate, oliver bought a ripcurl wallet for the girl and then went topman...
oh man, i dunno why i did it but i felt like killing myself... i made jy buy smth which later he regretted cause well it wasnt realli a must to have but i made it seem so good to buy.... haiz... i'm sorry jian yao... pls forgive me.. ): and well, after that went home... i felt sad... and some guy kept looking at me, took the same bus, still looked and then looked but pretend never look.... but yeah, he was not bad looking but yeah, sorry i dun do that... hahahah... =D
and i reach home and here i am again.... lurving it! (: i miss my fone...
it's 12:13 AM now
the long road ahead..
hey hey! i blogged again! anyways yeah pretty much was ur usual average day.... haha... went to school, then club, then slacked around in club, then yeah waited for awhile to go Council Meeting..
so yeah, while slacking in club did a lot of weird things, erm, like HUMM-ed fatin at the bean bag area, molested alvin thr too! and then yeah, after that threatened oliver while he was lying down on the floor to rape him! hahaha... i love my life! well, only during certain times... so yeah i also went to foodhaven website, for those who dunno wat that is, it's some restaurant at SP! haha... well went to the site to check for the food details and stuff for my AGM which is on the 30th JUNE! haha... can't wait!!! anyways after that we just waited until council meeting came...\
during this period of time i realised if i had a meeting room, club meeting was supposed to be today! and so it was SPSU who had booked the room first!! NOOOOOO! :@
during council meeting, saw alot of new faces, seriously alot of new faces... guess that many people didnt continue, but yeah, i think council's gonna be fun! well, say farhan bald and eugene too! haha... happy happy! and yeah, the meeting went on as per normal until the 3rd Agenda.. Nomination of Next Council Chairman... and well, to a nominee, u have to have at least 1year experience in council, so yeah there was onli me(MMEC), Guo Xiong (EEEC), Arun (SMAC) and Chun Heng (CADC) that was eligible for this vote... so yeah, we were chased out of the room after voting and then yeah, they did the calculations...
so yeah, i mean from outside we could see them doing the calculations cause they wrote in on the board.. =.= so yeah outside, the four of us (Presidents), were like talking bout stuff and like saying jokes and congratulating each other and doing weird stuffs... haha... then after we went back into the meeting room, could like see the results...
and the Council Chairman of 49th Student Union was.... ME!!! coool~ but yeah, the name is just the only thing nice about it cause it comes with a hell lot of responsibility and stuff... hahaha... and well, i mean it's a cool thing cause it's the highest a student can get in the whole school besides GPA and stuff.. hahah.. x) well, yeah, then after onwards i chaired the meeting, was pretty nervous and stuff but yeah, it was interesting to hold such a big BIG meeting..and important too... cool la~ and my favourite part of the whole thing was like durin the intro part! cause jianyao like totally make it damn funni! he was like 'err...hi i'm jianyao, from mm...err no mmec... haha... i'm in mechanical engineering.. (he doing tyhe hand emo sign... ==).. then he was like i'm the tresurer (and like doing the drop hand technique 5).. ROFL.. damn funni... and i stated that "MM guys are shy"... lols, wat crap~
then after the meeting, went back to club, digged up the old stuff and did the budget breakdown! wee~ things are moving pretty fast this year... and well after doing it we went town for dinner and to discuss on it futher... met tohlin and desiree too... well went suntec tilla bout 10.30pm and headed home... wee~ the bus trip was like helll cause i was darn tired but the buses were packed so i just waited till an empty one came by.. hahah...
reached home bout 11.45, turned the com on, took a shower and here i am.... BLOGGIN! so that was ur day! so tell me about ur day then... anyways, it's been a fruitful day... (: time to sleep... tmr i got a 11hour shift working duty! gasp!
it's 12:13 AM now
i'm not dead yet, i'm still alive
Thursday, May 15, 2008

hello once more to another blogging session... wee~ well lets update on what i have done so far, ytd i went to watch IRONMAN with a fren.. lol.. was kinda nice and yeah, it was damn coool! i mean with all the mechanisms and armour! i wouldn't mind watching it again... *hint hint* those haven't watch can come find me! i will watch with u! HAHAHA...

SO CHIC' la the armour!!! ahh~
hahaha...cute cartoon i found! hahaha... but abit small...
well after that movie, i discovered that my other frens were also at The Cathay watching another movie, and she happend to be having her school break from her californian university so i figured i'd go and meet her! and so yeah, me and a few of my secondary school met at Plaza Singapura and then well just talked about everything and catched up on each others life.. hahaha.. was pretty nice but yeah, i need to head home asap cause i was like supposed to do a presentation tml and i havent started on the ppt slides yet...
so after we all parted, i went from far east to the busstop behing whellock place to catch a bus home... and it was super packed and people just kept on pushing like some kiasu people... and i was super tired and letargic that day cause i havent been having enuff sleep lately and well there's alot of stress and things running thru my head for this period of time... anyways, after i got off the bus i just walked slowly...waited dragged seems more fitting... so yar, i slowlyv dragged my way home, had some leftover food ate it cause well i didnt eat anything for the whole day except popcorn, hotdog, 2 cups of ice lemon tea and mashed potato... i feel pathetic la..
when i reached home was close to like 11pm.. so then after eating and bathing i switched on my computer and looked at the clock it was like 12am! haha... then yeah i was feeling damn bored and tired but luckily someone called me and talked with me and well it was nice... ((: thanks.. then yar did my ppt slides and well i just was so confused on wat to include inside of it so well i just tried my best and i completed it at like 3am! haha... so proud of myself.. then yeah, switched my computer off and like headed of to bed... i tell u my eyes were like painful just keeping them open... then woke up at 6.30 am the next day, rolled ard in bed till 7am and then bathe and left home.. then when to 7-eleven cause i owed huishan a ricola from ytd!! hahaha... then headed off to school! hahah...
i tell u it's either my body is failing me or the schools aircon is like wtf-ing cold!! i kept sneexing the whole day and i was literally leaking from the nose... HAHAHA... totally gross cause like tap water dripping lar! ewww...... then yeah, well it'd just went on for the whole day till i like felt like my life was going to end....SERIOUSLY...sigh... my nose was all red and i could hardly breathe from it...
then after lessons headed to club to tell the peeps stuff and just slack ard la... people in club were just layzing ard, i swear one day i gonna dispose them sleeping bags... it's like some curse... anyways, yeah, then wanted to talkl bout tmr council meeting to the council people so i told fatin... and then i tired to call jy cause he wasnt thr, he rejected my call twice... so yeah i figured he was busy so just waited, then after he came told him the things to do, i doubt he rmbers, all he was thinking was probably patapon... he hadnt done the needy fund hierachy too as was told... u know things things are like rushed and u wanna drag on it summore dun u see this was the mistake last year? no one taking action or planning ahead!! then told him to do the settlement and reimbursement but yeah, he didnt want to listen instead he onli did it after tohlin like said it to him... haiz... then like he just kept quiet and stuff doing the things with a very worried look... didnt want to ask him why cause well, i've had my share of experience asking him such things... haha? anyways, then just left the club cause i wasnt realli in the best of moods even though i was laughing liek a mad dawg in club just now... why cant people listen to me when i say things slowly and nicely? why do i have to vent my anger in order for people to understand... i dunno, i feel so disappointed that i put so much hope on people and they just dun care... haiz... it's not just one individual, it's a hell lot...
when home and took a rest, hid under my blanket and took a short rest and then he i am now, blogging... i wish i could just lead a simple and carefree life... life is so unfair and it sucks, and for those people who think they have worst licves as compared to mine, i dare u compare to my REAL life.... hahaha... so shut ur gap if u aint got wat it takes.... ((:
it's 10:01 PM now
the japanese girl!!! :O
Friday, May 9, 2008
well, today wa a day to remember for some time... hahah... well after school, went to club awhile, seriously awhile like just 3mins... well went into club and saw firah and alvin inside... then the club was like in a total mess, bags everywhere, the bean bag contents all messed up, the biscuit tin on the table and everything was just so untidy and bad...
i just could take it... so i worte like a little note on the whiteboard and msg the yr2 com and told then to up the standrads abit la, i eamn c'mon man, act like we are a real club too... then open cupboard see a empty coke zero bottole and an emnpty cartoon... wth, u take the last coke empty the cartoon la... and hu gave u permission to even take the coke?! realli fed up, left the club for work, jy came in, then wehn back in cause forgot my shoe bag so then headed off to the busstop...
then reached town like 12.30pm... changed and bought yam ice blended double pearl! yummy! then went back down to the shop and met camie,new girl but she work 2mths liao just i never work damn long tt's why...
yeah then at ard 4plus like tt... i had to attend to this two japanese girls... so yeah she wanted a medium cup and so i assitted both of them... then she asked me wats the cup called i said 'medium' then she kept on smiling and looking me while i was scooping the gelato.. see she was like those tourist japenese hu knew lit*le english... then after i served the first cup, the cuter one smiled and said to me, "i think u are very good looking and handsome"... my reply was like, "huh? wat?" then she said it again, "i think u are very very handsome" with a smile... i was like, "no lar, i'm not"... then she was like "no no, u are really very handsome!!" then i was just like, "ok thank you..(smiled)"... i mean this wasnt the first time like a girl said tt to me while i was working so yeah i thot it was normal to accept it... (anyways, i think those girls are blind or smth, cause me, handsome, common..." oh yar, so then she just kept looking at me and looking and smiling... i was like scared, a lil'... then after serving the second cup, she said, "can i have ur handphone?" i was like applauded, "my handphone cannot lar.. (smiled)" then she was like "oh no... can i have ur handphone number?" i was like ?!?! i just ignore the qusetion and ask them to proceed to the cashier to pay... then they both went thr, she asked me again, "can i have ur handphone number?" i was like "errr..... that will be $13 pls" then she asked again, but this time taking her phone out(it was n95 8gb just like mine!), "can i have ur handphone number puleeze?" then i was like "why le??" she just smiled and asked it again, "can i have ur handphone number puleeze?" then her fren interupted, "give her ur number, she wants to be frns and get to know u" with a heart heart i just gave it to her, "9-6-3-3-*-*-0-*", of course will the missing numbers la, then she staright away said, " i give u call u go see(think she wanted to confirm if i gave her wrong number)"... then yeah, i got her call and then she told me her name, Theresa, then she asked me for mine!!! wth la... so weird... then she smile and said "thank you", she then walked to the seat and sat down with her frens to eat the ice cream...
i thot it was over...
guess again!
while i waas serving other customers, she kept looking at me, and simling... super weirdly... then i was like asking my collegues to like she if she was look and yar she was... everytime i looked she would be looking my direction and smiling... hahaha... it's was scary i tell u, i was like ahhhhh! i'mma scared.. then well after she ate finish her ice cream then she came to me and like... "are u working tmr?" i then replied "yeah" then she was like "ok then , tmr i shall see u! hahaha... see you tmr ok? byebye!" i was like "wth man, sick horny jap girl..."
yeah i thot it was over...
guess again...
5mins after she messaged me, i'm reading word for word from her sms...
"i will miss you and see you tomorry yet :-)" i was like wth la, i cant wait for tmr... haha... lols... sick... i sacred la... we see tmr how lar...
then after that went ard and walked ard and just destressed.. hahaha... then on the way home, met my primary school fren, valerie, and talked to her, she was with her fren lucas and well had a short chat and then we went our seperate ways... hahaha... cool i didnt know church was that cool until i met them.. haha... oh i also found out lucas knew nick toh... haha.. and also rubina! haha..
then yeah, valerie also talked bout yi ling, some gal from primary school but yeah i dun really know her but thot it'd be cool cause mayb i did... so yeah, yi ling called me while i was doing this post, had a nice chat and well she put down liao... hahaha... and so, today i made 3 new frens! hahaha... amazing! lol... happy day... can't wait wat tmr has for me....
i'm scared, very scared... :(
it's 11:48 PM now
HAHAHA...WTF am i laughing for?!
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
well all i can say i tried to help but ended up i get into trouble also... hahaha... that's why life is so complex... booo~!
it's 8:45 PM now
Saturday, May 3, 2008
sorry for the previous no word post as i was just testing bloggin using my phone... pretty cool to find out u can upload pictures and update using the phone eh? anyways, it's been a realli long weekend for me, seriously long cause it seems to move very slowly and painfully... why?
well, started on friday evening, planned to go like night cycling with the gang so yeah left home as planned and the bus came on time... then as i was on the way in the bus, an unknown number was calling me, i picked it up and, it was zac calling me... she said her wallet was still in club and there was no one ard to open it up so yeah she asked me if i could come down and open the club up... i mean since no one would or could so yeah, i just turned back and took a bus to school and open the club and she took her stuff and yeah i headed back to the busstop behind school to take 196... then i waited at the busstop like for 25mins just for the freaking bus to come... the stupid board saif it'd come lastest by 15mins and it was so irritating waiting there that i started to slam things cause i know i was going to be late.... i hate being late...
then yeah, realised everyone was gonna be late and that probably we wont even get our bikes... so was worried but luckily jy came earlier and got the bikes for us first! hahaha... then yeah after everyone arrived we set off for our journey to find oliver abd denan at pasir ris... it was like 9pm and the we cycled and tooked a wrong turn and ended up at changi village beach so oliver and denan came to find us... then when oliver reach changi village, a misfortune occoured, his tyre was punctured and thus he couldnt carry on the journey... then after that he called his dad and we waited for his dad to come and fetch him... so yeah when his dad came, he like place the bicycle at tha back seat of the car and then he went home... so sad lar... then the rest of us continued out journey back to east coast!
the journey home was a pain in the arse...literally... and well jy kept cycling ahead of everyone so i like tried to cycle with his speed but then everytime i tired to talk to him he'll like just give one word answer and so yeah i thot he just needed to be alone so i like took my time to cycle hoping the rest would catch up to me and stuff cause yeah, we were cycling at like changi area which was filled with jungles and stuff... terrible i tell u the things i saw and hear that night cycling there... i was so scared, i thot i'd die there or smthing cause i seems all quiet and weird and errie... so yeah, then after that long road at like err... cahngi airpost area, it was like at er... some place lar, i also dunno the name one... hahah... then cycle cycle cycle and finally could see bedok was just infront and bedok jetty was like just a few mins away.. so yeah, then i looked ard and see like that was no one ard the area and then when i looked at like the area on my left, i could see like green things that looked like eyes at the beach area but the where like looking ard, then suddenly look at me... i quickyly like cycled faster and the rest secret.. so then i met the rest and cycled back to the shop... it was 2+am then...
then tohlin, euegene and jy went home leaving me denan des and huxian...
ok the rest lazy to update... hahaha...x) next time lar
it's 10:33 PM now
Friday, May 2, 2008
it's 4:03 PM now
be back soon!
not in the mood to blog about..
But i'll be back in action soon..
So tired now.. ):
it's 11:06 AM now