well, back again for yet another post! well, it's thursday and pretty boring! boring to the level where wanking/jerking/masturbating ur time away is like even not gonna get rid of that boredom (doesn't mean that i've done it)... LOL! but yeah, seriously damn boring la now...
anyways, nth much happened today and eveything seem to be moving slowly but at times it just zooms past u! hahaha... i wish people would tell me wat they expect of me so at least i know u know? ok that was just blardy random! hahha...
well at least tmr is a day to look forward to! got council bbq to prepare and have! hahahah... ((:
till tmr then! shall update the pictures tooo!!! ((:
Labels: bored, crazy
i'm back again for yet another post! hahaha.... actually i just came back from school after like thermodynamics which was definately a super killer! i tell u it's like cool at the same time confusing cause like i heard some stuff from somewhr before but i cant rmber whr! =x and during the whole lesson i was talking to my fren bout shiting/berak-ing cause i was having a stomachache... ): and there was like weird weird things like if i dun shit in time my ass will be dieseased! hahahah... how cool is that.. x_x hahaha... so yeah... so went home and just like on the com and decided to blog! wee~!
so yeah, ytd my mum gave me a comment, "zaid! u're cupboard cannot close already! ur clothes are too many and i think u need to throw away some!!" and i was like, "err....if i throw away some, does that mean i get to buy newer ones? hehe" and my mum just laughed, "hahaha... ur cupboard will explode!" and went inside the room! i bet she was thinking, "i should have never given him that idea, and now it'll be even worst!" LOL... and i was there thinking, "hmm.... so wat shuld i buy next!! :D" hahaha... so happy... i cant even out talk my mum... yay! so yea, i dun think i wanna buy anymore clothes cause well everytime i buy smth, i want something else... so yeah, wait till i can find the best! i'm like so intelligent *cough cough* (my conscious)...
oh yar! i got a new crumpler addition to my crumpler collection!! hahaha... so that makes it number 4! weee~! it's a smaller one lar, just a crumpler bundle!! i show u picture wait arh! nice lar, black summore!
so pretty huh? ((:
and i'm also planning to buy this Sennheiser Headphone! hahaha... lloks like a green snake but the shape like so sexy can!! hhahaha... but the price is $103.99!! so probably get it like september la.. hahaha!! (: (dun say i'm mad hor, nice lor)

so yeah, now back at home... i think i'll go for a short run at the front of my house... cause well i nth to do also until 5pm when i have to go back school for some briefing lar... how boring is that? hahahah... so yeah, i'll just waste time and slack mayb catch a short short nap! yeah... how nice is that? ((:
i'm on applying face mosturizer, the white white stuff (note:it's not oliver sauce) hahah... that's just plian disgusting lar... ewww...totally... hahahah... i needa look my best! hahaha... got something coming up, thats gonna be a surprize! hahaha... so stay tuned!!
and for those people out there! dont worry! i'll update often now!! (:
wee~! signing offf~~ =D
Labels: Happy, mad
LIBRA - The Harmonizer(?!?) (Sept 23 - Oct 22)
Nice to everyone they meet (I so am la!). Can't make up their mind (OMG! so true, that's why i like think ALOT). Have own unique appeal. Creative (yes), energetic (very very), and very social (to the extend of omgz). Hates to be alone (i dun wanna be alone so please dont leave me alone..). Peaceful (inside), generous (i know i know). Very loving and beautiful (ewwww?? =.=). Flirtatious(u have no idea! XD). Give in too easily. Procrastinators. Very gullible (hard to believe but i am, i just put on a tough front).BLUE - TRUERED - MY COMMENTSGREEN - WTF? NEED I SAY MORE?YAY! my third post for the day!! wow! trying to make up for the posts i didnt post!
i'm just someone with no life and nothing to spare...
well, it's 1:40am in my house right now... i've been thinking alot and well just thinking...
i'm bored, i seriously am, i dunno wat to do right now? should i sleep? should i stay awake? i wanna talk to somebody... but got no one le! sianness...
i just realised how lonely i am... how sad is that? =D
Labels: bored, lonely, sad
yay! weekends have always been the time to catch movies! and yes, altought tickets are raging mad expensive at 9.50 and the people are like hording the cinemas on weekends, it sure beats having movies on weekdays cause everyone has smth on!! ):
so yeah, over the past 2 weekend i've watched 4 movies! thats right... actually judt 2 movies but i watched 1 movie thrice!! and parently thrice on the same day (=.=)"... guess which?

it's damn awesome lor! seriosuly damn nice and it's really worth ur money! 2hours and 30mins of great action and mad criminals! so why so serious? watch it!!! =D
then today, i went town with my malay frens (OMFG, zaid has freaking malay frens?!?!) and watched another new movie... hahahaha.. damn unglam i tell u, they went to giordano lar! wtf?! i was like wearing so nice nice and carrying nice nice thing... wtf.... dicks sial! but nevermind, the movie was most important!!
the x-files!! i wanna believe....in
sex! hahahahaha.... tt's right...!!! (: no lar, wat kinda person am i? but x-files not bad but realli some sick scenes!! =s
anyways, that's all for my update today!! hahahah... (: cya people!




well well well!!! guess wat i'm finally...FINALLY gonna have an update today!!! OMG!lets all rejoice... i figured that i shuld update now or forever hold my peace as my blog would just die off... ): now, we wouldnt want that to happen would we?? hahaha...
my blog's like literally dead and people are like asking me to update, it's not that i dont want to, just that i dun realli have the time to blog thesedays cause of my realli hectic schedule... =/ so yea, sorry ppl! (:
so lets start the update with some photos!! yay! hmm... well we'll start with Eugenie's Early Birthday BBQ!! hahahah... @ Costa Sands East Coast!! the photos are courtesy of Josias, from Temasek Poly! *psst* SP rocks btw...

me with eugenie (: i look like so dark can??
me fanning the fire... it seems to be dying off... ): Eugenie with the 'wat just happen' look.. :D
i look so weird in this one... notice the stain on my left shoulder...thanks to eugenie la!! ):
fittin the candles on the super chocolate chocolate cake from THE ROYALS! damn nice, and very very very sinful! ):
so wats next?? hahahaha... i guess that was on her mind... (:
so yeah, eugenie is actually from ngee ann polytechnic, and i met her thru poly forum and well we have been frens ever since... sha calls me her glam fren.. LOL~! hahaha... well her birthday was fun and she was damn funny throughout it!
hahahah... but after i left i realised i didnt eat anything, not even the cake... LOL! so yeah was kinda starving but nevermind... (: then that night she liked called me when she got drunk and said several weird weird things which i shuld not disclose in my blog..!! =o
well lets update about school! well school been realli busy!! realli freaking busy! i mean, i have my normal school to think about, plus my FYP (final year project), MM Club stuff, Student Council and my own personal life... ok...
firstly, i'm realli finding some difficulty coping with my studies just cause i just either am too tired or i'm just lazy... hahaha... and some modules can realli drive me up the wall! i'm like seiously damn stressed as i dun wanna forward or flunk any modules!! ):
secondly, well, next sem will be entirely a full semester of FYP la! and right now we have to brainstorm ideas and just discuss on the things we wanna do la, i mean my mind so packed still must think this shit!!
thirdly, MM Club, i tell u ah, i'm like seriously trying to hold the club together and making everything run smoothly and i try to be nice at the same time and give them their own targets to set... but some people just arent helping, breaking the rules, not following their own deadlines, not wanting to do it the proper way, not wanting to help... there's like a whole entire list i could draft down right now... it's not that they dun want to, it's just they just dun think or they just dont care!! i mean, am i being to nice to u people? then when i scold u all u either say i treat u like shit or i am just being to strict... i mean wtf! look lar... i dunno how to handle things like that... i mean at least help la! do wat ur post is suppose to do?! is it that difficult!? do i have to keep reminding u guys and chasing u all for ur deadlines?? HUH!?!! u all ah, seriously, one day i'm gonna farking give it to u all straight... i dun care if u're gonna hate me just as long at MM Club has a future to look forward to... think la! all i ask it simple simple things, before u leave the club, push all the chiars in, tidy everything up and make it look need... i mean when u come u sit on the chair the bean bag, dirty the freaking carpet, dirty all the stuff then dun bother to clean!? wtf?! and u know i use my own money from my pocket to buy the carpet, the air freshner, the the dustbins and u all just treat them like shit... i mean, think la... u all... i also am ggod damn tired ok, but i dun sleep on the sleeping bag?! i mean think for others not for urself.... u're all just damn selfish! SERIOUSLY!
fourth, student council, ok, mayb being the Council Chairman sounds all awesome and powerful but yeah, it's not the whole thing... there's so many thing to think thru and basically people are not helping i mean i'm trying to come to the best alternative for the entire council not just for ur own club people u slefish motherfuckers! think can for the entire council not for the best interest of UR club... ==
anf fifth and finally...my personal life... i think my personal life is like ebing burnt awaya by all my school activities and personally i dun have enough time for myself and things i wanna do... and i'm just slowly breaking down cause no one in this freaking world has the brains to care for others... seriously... all people think of is themselves.... honestly... EVERYONE IS! dun ask me i know.... ==
well update again soon... i wanna sleep! yay!
i'mma lazy to do this update...
so i'm not gonna update just yet..
Soon... i promise.. (now where did i hear that from?)
Labels: lazy