Monday, September 29, 2008
well well well.... in like 2 days time it's gonna be Hari Raya!! do u like literally know wat that means? it means i dun have to wake up every morning at 5am to have my pre-dawn food and i dun have to worry wat time it is cause i can eat ANYTIME!! hahahahah!!
well, the best part isnt bout eating, god no! it's about the green packets we get! yay! and i'm like hoping for a few or alot... well who knows!! weee~~
and like about an hours time, i'll be going back to my Johor house to prepare for tmr and all so yeah, don't miss me people! :D
it's 7:28 PM now
F1 Insane!! :D :D
OMGOMGOMG! so yea, ytd were the Formula 1 finals at the singapore street! so yea, this race is kinda special cause its the first ever night race!! so yeah, i went with fatin!! LOL! so then like i met her at city hall... so we went to like walk all around the damn freaking hot and horrible place! and then she was like, "F1 drivers lose at least 3kg racing, and right now i think i'm doing that now...." cause it was really damn hot and tiring and we were freaking FASTING!! :P
so yeah, then we went around looking for our SP friends who were doing duty... hahahha... they were shock as hell... heheh! so yeah, found out eugene and chee heng quit working so they were just slacking and sitting around watching the F1 thing! LOL... so they tagged along with us... hahaha... OMG! i swear to god that the entire population of Singapore was at CITY HALL!! :O
it was damn packed and stuff... LOL... but yeah, it was a good experience and good for the ears too!! :D i managed to take several lame photos! LOL... so photo time! :D
me and FART! x)

as u can see thats the road thing they drive around in... oh wait, thats the TRACK!!

ok! if u see closely, u can see this like thing dashing thru! thats actually MASSA's CAR!!! LOL... but it was too fast for my noob camera! LOL...

and yeah, this was how the entire circuit looked like.... not bad la but yeah... wat can u expect from singapore?

eugene and chee heng.... damn funny!

ooh yar... this is who we got thru! LOL... don't ask... :P
so yeah, then we went around to watch on the big screen and stuff... hahaha... and finally the underdog guy won, some renault driver... lol... from italia i believe... and yeah after the whole race, THE WHOLE SINGAPORE population like CHIONGED to the MRT etc...
hahaha... damn packed la! and we and fatin were trying to go and find the rest of the people... x) Fatin ended up buying this big red ferrari flag~! damn nice but it was $70 but yeah, she's a fan! who could blame bitches like her... LOL...
so yeah while waiting me and fatin camwhored ALOT! LOL! then yeah, i had this mat hair going on so we were like doing mat and mina posses! LOL..

pouts* ROFL

pouts* AGAIN! damn MAT!

omg! this one so OMFG!


i was like possed by the demon! rofl..

muacks! the hell la...

kinda disturbing but funny!

lol! told u it was alot!

again! :P

finally!! hahaha...
just FYI, there's nth between us if u think otherwise... hahaha... we're just great frens! :D
so thats all!! cya!! :D
it's 11:13 AM now
Sunday, September 28, 2008
harlow! i'm just feeling really bad now, every single body part is screaming out for help.... so yeah... dun bother me for abit.... (:
it's 1:16 PM now
LTC Ipoh A Trip!
Friday, September 26, 2008
wee~ oh yes.... i'm back from LTC Ipoh trip like 2 days back and like it was like the best best ever thing that i had this year!! it was freaking fun and funny and not to mention alll the crazy things we have been doing during the trip.... :D
so yeah, me and a few others meet up at dover like early in the morning to catch a train to the meeting point which was like at farrer park there la.... tsk tsk... so yeah, from there we like took a freaqking bus ride which was like 7-8hours long!! hahaahha... in the bus like everyone was still kinda strangers so yeah it was kinda a quiet ride but we had a bit of laughter during the introduction part.... everyone was like i'mma nice person... ROFL!!!
so yeah... when we finally reach our destination we had to like take a lorry further inside to the place la.... so damn cool... now is photo time!!!

hahahah! our first group photo!! with the pretty miss angelvin! hahaha! :D

me!!! camwhoring as usual... i so love my job!

another camwhoring with the funny and quiet daniel! haha.. XD

the feets of the group people.... omg.... mine's like so prettty compared to the rest!! :D

and that is alex.... he's like so freggin shy la... until like last 2 days then he like very funny and all... LOL... BARBARIANS!

and yes, the girls of the group also known as the barbarians of the entire camp... omg... scary!!! ): AHHHHHHH!!! :O

on board the lorry!!! we're like the sheeps u know going to be sold off or smth... hehe..

oh this is like a better view, u know why? cause u can see me in this one.... hahahaha.. :D the lorry ride was like a roller coaster but wat coller and like damn damn damn fun!!!! :D a must try during the ipoh trip!!!

and the very pretty and lovely ms angelvin! :D
and that was our destination... My Gopeng Resort (so not resort like la.. ewww)
and yes! when the lorry ride was finally over we all dropped off and like looked at our new surrounddings! hahaha... yi shan looks extremely happy in this one!! freakking barbarians!! :D

so like let me introduce u to my groupie!!! the ICE KACANG-ERS... like yeah, one guy was damn annoying until i cant rmber huis freaking name, and even if i did (his name is sean... EWWISH), i dun even wanna like talk about him.... the rest were like lurrve... <3

and this is like a little joke bout the toilets!! hahaha....
like OMFG!! ahahahahaha!! so adorable right? NOT!!! ewwww......
and to end this post i will post the picture of the 6 BARBARIANS!!! AHHHH!!!! Crazy yet funny and fun poeple... i miss all of them except tt MOTHER FUCKING RETARD OMFG!!! :@
well this is not the end of the ltc trip.... this is just day one... will update more in the time to come so dun worry! cya!! :D
it's 8:42 PM now
i'm just doomed to have a sad life...
Friday, September 19, 2008
well, i dunno... lately things have been happening and for god knows wat reason.... i mean, my vision for club for AY 08/09 was like inspiring and making everyone being a part of the club... but with so many many problems cropping up internally chasing everyone one by one and now its like the most major of all major things to happen, i doubt i can even have a peaceful year...
i mean, if u join a certain thing know the consequences of wats gonna happen, u should know how to adapt and make things the best as the are... but some people are just too blind or blinded by the way they were raised by their parents or their environments... i mean, u can go holidaying, crusing, go birthdays with ur frens go out.... but when u come to doing ur work, u always say that u have no time... i mean is that freaking just retarded? and everytime we say smth u dun even treat us as ur frens and etc... i dun even know wat u treat us like... are we like dispossable at ur cause? i mean, come to think of it, its how u've always treat us...
only there when u want to.... who in the friggin world still does that? u gotta learn.... i dunno how u're gonna be when u grow up.... oh wait, will u even grow up? always trapped in your own dilusion and stuff.... its down right sad....
and now we have to clear up ur mess, the shit u left behind.... wat a piece of crap.... this is so depressing....
well, in other news, i'm still alive! wee~ hahahaha.... and well at elast i still have the support of great people.... :D
it's 1:27 PM now
Poof! Poof! Where cha go?
Sunday, September 7, 2008
well, update update! well, it's sunday morning.... nothing much, my weekends have just pass by like in the snap of my fingertips... well, i dunno, every time i wwake up in the weekend with a positive outlook, it just ends up turning the other waqy around... bah! and when i'm like not so positive the people around me are all so positive and i have to like adapt myself to fit into it... ahhh... wat a brain sore.... and well, todays like the most retarded day of my life i think.... i wont say why but i just feel that way for more reasons than one...
and i tell you, my eyes are like so red and my brain is like begging me like take a rest but i dun give a shit.... cause well, life's so boring anyways.... and like i wanna like have some conversation with someone but yeah, like everyone i want to talk to is either busy or well doing their own stuff, i dun blame them though... well at least the weekends will be ending soon and the all so boring holiday but not holiday weekdays are coming...
and to top it off... i feel so excited! yay! can u see me expressing how much fun i'll be having? yay.... ROFL... well, i'll update more to come... i'm like going into hibernation soon!
it's 2:26 AM now
wat to update todae? hmm...
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
well, back to a more NORMAL update... well, school's out and holidays are here (even though i like return back to school like almost everyday!).. hahaha... exams are finally over! YAY!! can't say that i'm very happy that its over, but lets just say i'm happy i wont be seeing it anymore!! hahaha...
well, lately i was thinking of getting a part-time job to sustain my high maintenance self and other dailt activities in my life... but i realised with so little time left of my holidays, wat freaking place would wanna hire me? so i guess, getting a job is out of the qns now... so all i do now is a attend my school programme or just well find people to hang around with which so far i have done cause i've been back to school everyday!! OMG! hahaha...
also its the fastin month now so yay! cause well it's a good thing i think.. hahaha... well, thats what my dad says.. goodie goodie... :D well, life's been ok i guess... been ups and downs and well sometimes i get into little confusions and smtimes i just go balistic and go insane but i'm working on it.... LOL... =/
and to those who r having their itp now! jiayou!! it's gonna be fun esp when it reachest the end!!! HAHAHAAHHA! :D
ok! thats all!
it's 9:20 PM now