feeling horrible ): i always do
Friday, November 28, 2008
man... wat a day it has been... well both good and bad... =/
the day started off pretty ok, i woke up late as usual, then got a morning call as usual... :D then like i dunno, i'm like a pretty joker and funny kindaq person so i'm prone to joke here and thr... and yea, thing happen during tt morning call and people attitude change... =/
i dunno, mayb its my fault i dunno, but i think i've been like super simple and giving up alot of thing for this... i dunno mayb its not enough but who am i to judge right? welll, then doing fyp well took my mind of it for awhile... so yeah, i was kinda busy with my fyp so sorry man... then after that fyp thing, i had to rush home and change cause i had this dinner thing to attend la...not forgetting SP STAR... so yeah, left school at 5.15pm and rush alll the way home! *gasp*
so yeah, rushed to bathe and change in like 15mins! insane! so yeah, tried on a few outfits to see how it'll look... and like put my hair nicely... and like chionged out to school! (: and so i msg u cause i thought of u... but yeah, simple thought are so wasted i guess... so yeah, met marcus at spcc and went inside... and like go out after 30mins... SIAN... rush to the busstop and catch a bus to town....
so yeah, i rush and reached on time! :D fabulous! then like have dinner, then like went to gelatissimo! :D got drunk thanks to alfredo! =.= then like went home and like very headache on the bus! i saw this pretty thing on the bus too! damn nice...
now at home... boring and half concious! :D
it's 11:16 PM now
tell me ur flavour! =D
Thursday, November 27, 2008
OMFG! major fabulous crisis!!! *screams at the top of my voice* HELP!!
I have this list of things I need(not want):
1) Clothes
2) Watch
3) Shoes
4) Laptop
5) iPod Touch Gen.2
6) Nintendo DS Lite
7) MONEY!! (To buy all that) ):
SOB SOB! )):
oh where oh where could i ever get such money to get such stuff... ): i neeed a sugar mummy/daddy... which ever comes first, i'll take it! :D but then hor, do i really need them? well the answer is quite obious u know.... DUH!!!!
well if u dun believe it... i'll ask experts on this matter... hmm.... who should i ask.... i know.... who better than the one who started my whole evolution to this bitch i am! :D

omg! she is like godly!! :D omg! see i told u i should! she's like a mum of mine in a way!! LOL :D pretty pretty... c'mon, would a girl as bitchy, sluty, busty and bimbotic lie to me? :D
ROFL! so yeah, u can see more of wat i want to buy coming ur way! :D
I'mma lame! (:
it's 7:04 PM now
i'm like so fierce
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
ok... i was browsing thru the web and i found this! :D it was so pretty so who could resist?? :D move along Paris Hilton and make way for CHRISTIAN V SIRIANO he new hottest (and FIERCE) person in the world....well apart from me definately... duh.. =.=
hahah! rawr! dun make me bite u! *hehehehehe*

about today... hmm....oh great...... another day in school... the usuals, fyp and then to club... did like some document signing and then back home... hahaha.... yup... was thinking about lots and lots of things today like how unfair things can be smtimes.... but yeah, life's never a fair place to be let alone to fight for fairness... D:
well dun really feel very good today cause of this headache i'm like having.... ok, mayb more like a migraine(did i spell it correct?) and it's like really irritating... mayb i just need so good resting time! yeah, damn.... i so wanted to go city hall!! GELARE LA!! 50% off u know! RAWR! i'm so fierce! :D
fyp wise everything seems to be going quite ok le... nth much... tmr we will be trying to fix the head of the chameleon to the body... its a plain white head... D: and also fiting it with the cameras so test out the whole system roughtly... and if it works, we can send it for chrome plating! well during fyp u can see lots of different people, people who try to fit in, people who do their hardest work, people who flirt around, people who r obviously kpo and people who just sit on their bums the whole day and do practically NOTHING! :D LOL~
so yeah, i'm suppose to like think of stuff but i'll rest first... damn sick... ): cya lovlies...
ain't i FIERCE? :D
Ans: YES!!! *gasp*
it's 6:54 PM now
HI!! :D
Sunday, November 23, 2008
hello everybody! hahaha... back for an update! woo~
so yeah, the last post was full of anger and shit so yea, SORRY MISWAN SAZALI! :D so yeah, on friday itself had this MM Day appreciation dinner which was held at staff centre (as always).... so yeah, apparently unlike all the other years, where usually lots and lots of people wanna come cause of the free food, this year, it was quite the opposite as very little people came! D:
even i didnt want to go cause i had plans already (oppps... cause i said i didnt =x).. so yeah, the dinner was pretty sucky and just EDIBLE la.. lol... i mean, u wont eat it but u do cause of survival.. and i hadnt had lunch... wait... I DID! haha... kfc in fact! so yeah, we also played a prank on ever so irritating EEEC blasting music and stuff and so we pasted post it's on their door, end up, they paste it back on ours... =.= so expected can u lamos...
so yeah, i rushed home cause i was LATE! D: then like chionged to airport! woo... was a good trip... had popeye's for dinner...LOL i was famished for some reason but popeye's was farking filling! :D then like walked ard and did some crayon drawings! so fun! like primary school! :D then like i saw the most awkward thing... i took a picture too! D: gasp!

u cant really see it... but there is this red circle there which circles ard "BANGALORE".. haha... which is i dunch know wat country... so i was wondering where it came from... its like so cool it's like a mixture of two words... which is...
hahaha!! :O gasp! so from that i derived that Bangalore, was a country with galorious bangala! :D haha! i'm so inteletual! :D
ok then on saturday i caught this movie, which was ytd of course....

BODY OF LIES... was kinda a good show just that its kinda very anti-muslim la... so rude... but overall it was worth it, for that 2hours of thirrling adventure and shit... :D and get to see people smashing other people's finger using hammers! D: gross but awesome! :D
ok y'all that's all! :D
it's 2:36 PM now
Thursday, November 20, 2008
man... today is like the most insulted day of my life!!! sucks balls.... well i dun wanna say much my angry level is like at optimum bitch fit anger so i dun wanna like be a total bitch and rant about other people u see.... damn this f-tards.... RAWR!!!
i said i wouldnt talk to u for a month and i swear to god i wouldnt.... i keep my word for it.... =.= mayb i'm just being a bitch about like but yeah, somethings we dont joke around honey... but in other news! is saw tis today before "things" happened!!!
elmo is like so f-ing cute la! i'm like so in love with this thing when i laid my eyes on it! :D i love elmo now... mayb i'll stop at toys r' us tmr to get one!!! :D so cuteee~ reminds me of someone!! :D
it's 8:25 PM now
(: Happy Days
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
well today was a good day! :D so yeah, went to school then after that sat down thinking of FYP stuff! played a game of DOTA!!! :D i owned!! woo~! the A-Main objective guy asked us to collect the RoboKit personally and well we NEEDED IT! D:
then like ashraf rushed me to go bugis to collect the robokit cause he borrow his fren's van to drive thr cause he lazy take train! then WY wanted to follow but me chiong-ed and run fast fast so he cannot catch up to us! so yea... we lost sight of him!
so yeah, walked from W11 all the way to T3A!! omg! like half way thru the school can! so far?! then met his fren and took da keys frm him! and we had to search for his freaking van la!! LOL! so yea, looked ard and like found it! then had problem opening it cause ashraf apparently dun know how to use a van's remote! =.=
then after getting on, drove down to bugis! i'm like some street directory la! must be due to the fact i always follow my father ard and see the road he drives thru la! i'm like super memory bitch!! :D then like the van had this speed control thing so everytime u go above 75km/hr it'll go "ting ting ting!!" hahah! annoying! it was doing it that more than half the time, so u know wat that means dont u! :D *hint hint*
so after collecting ashraf said he saw WY behind me but apparently me didnt cross paths! PHEW!!! :D then on the drive back, i open the the kit and to my horror, the instructions were in korean! FTW!?! hahaha!! D: so yeah went back to school, went to sh*t! LOL! i swear thesedays i shit alot in school! i wonder why...hmmm.... so enuff bout that connected the robot! was so freaking fustrated la! i wanted to break it apart i told u!


and sorry cheese and anyone i took my anger upon!!! ): sad! so fixed the kit twice and like finally did it right but still didnt work properly!! =.= so yeah, tmr gonna go see the guy again! :D then went to club after all and sign document, visit officers and then go do "FYP"!! hahahaha!!

hehehhee...... (:
it's 9:26 PM now
school is such a bore..!!
Monday, November 17, 2008
hahaha! i'm back y'all to update! :D
well currently i'm like in school now doing my FYP, well actually i'm doing nothing of that sort right now! LOL.. we're actually doing nth much right now... cheese is watching NBA, Ashraf is like hogging my iPod Touch a usual =.= and guoliang is just well doing nth actually! hahaha! cause well, i'm using his computer to update my blog! :D
haha.. so yeah, we're gonna like do smth later for sure! haha... i didnt get my daily dosage of soya bean this morning but yea i still feel awesome! :D hahaha... well i know why i feel that way but u dont!! hahahaha!!
hmm..well, life's been pretty good recently and i've been a really good boy! well today will be having council meeting and stuff... OH GREAT! hahaha.. well cya soon! :)

Labels: love
it's 9:49 AM now
OMG! another one of this thing!
Sunday, November 16, 2008
hahaha... well, i've been tagged by khalis to do this... so here goes..
so here it begins!! rawr!
1) Each player of this game starts off with 10 weird things/habits/little known facts about yourself.
2) People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own 10 weird things/habits/little know facts as well as state this rule clearly
3) At the end, you need to choose 10 people to be tagged & list their names
4) No tag back.
1)I'm very emo although it seems like i'm an extroverted person
2)I'm like a super nice and sweet fella
3)believe it or not, i WAS a nerd!
4)one of my eyes is small as compared to the other
5)i'm very flexible as compared to other people
6)i have a very stupid universal password!
7)i'm council chairman for SPSU Student Council
8)sugar is a must have else i'd die!
9)actually i have a very good hearing although i blast music like no tmr
10)i have a creative mind! :D
The 10 people ;
3)Toh Lin
5)Jonathan Ko
10)Anyone else...
well, today was kinda an ok day... went out to grandparents place and wedding at tampines... oh man, it was kinda like the nicest weedding i see at the void deck la... the setting was like pretty pretty and and awesome la... :D i wanna get married too! so cool la... cant wait if i do!
anyways, i'm in a happy mood and i'll go dota with the gang now.. cya!
it's 9:30 PM now
OH MAN... presidency sucks... yayness! : D
Saturday, November 15, 2008
so yeah, ytd when out to watch madagascar with my fren after deciding to skip school and take mc! hahahaha... i'm so smart an actor!! :D so yeah, then i watch madagascar at THE CATHAY! hahaha... so yeah, bought the popcorn madagascar combo cause i like to own one of those cute things la.... :D so i did! but waste money!!! $13.80!!! argh! :O but yeah, then went into the movie...
so yeah, then right, got the grand cathay...so big and nice... haha... :D so yeah, during the movie i had to go in and out of the cinema cause people kept calling me regarding the fyp stuff... LOL... like 7 times... so irritating la.... fuck sia!!! so yeah! the movie was fantastic and ok la... :D i love it no matter wat anyone else says! love love love love! weee~
so then after that, was happy the gang msg me to have dinner with them so yeah, i said yes cause my fren had to go anyways... so met the gang at city hall after they decide to have gelare instead... LOL... i wanted to eat but i was full so i didnt eat la... sad... then like after that we all walked back to city hall mrt... so i stopped to a nearby toilet to pee!! so yeah, i went to those urinals but the ones at city hall ar like very the revealing urinals so yea, urgent so just pee lor, scared wat.... so yeah, pee then this bangala came and pee beside me of all urinals... =.= then i peeing halfway i saw him turn and looking at my thang!! yeah, 'my thang'! D: so horrifying... then i zipped and pointed middle finger at him.... free show ah... at least pay ah cb!
so then the baia thing started... only mm club people will be likely to know about this... haha.. : D then went home with reena and the rest took train lor... hahaha... : D
and guess wat, today, or ytd was like parent forum... so had to like erm... go there and like do stuff and parent thing la... so i had to coordinate 2 things... one is the School of MM stuff and the other are coordinate the presidents la... so yeah, came to school at 8 and started to gather all the mm helpers and have a little briefing so that was fine... then give them specific job scopes and other stuff... : D
the worst part is the presidents la... i mean, ok, michelle if u wanna compared with the parent seminar right, first, it wasnt last minute, second we all were given instructions before the event was held a few days back and this one was only like on the day itself? third, why should only acad club president be the ones doing the ushering, NOTE: USHERING?! i mean, i bet lots of other retards like urself could do that do right? i mean, make up ur minds bitches?! like fuck off if u cant fucking do things to save ur freaking life... get it? and oso ah, some president ah, i dunno la, its either they not matured enuff or they just dun care just want to leave and leave and leave la... c'mon la, u come down to help, ur club name le... u dun even farking care about ur club then why be president la? but still i loved the company of felicia and (oh shit i forgot her name)... SOB SOB.. : D
and yeah, some overdued photos! my family pictures! well fake family... :P

me and my daughter! fart! xoxo x)

the whole family, minus alvin chew so irritating la!! D: LOL....
it's 9:52 PM now
some slut made do this
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
laalala... :D
okay,game time. (::
How to Play
1. Put your music player on shuffle.
2. Press forward for each question.
3. Use the song title as the answer to the question even if it doesn't make sense. No cheating.
4. With the answers, give your own comments on how it relates to the questions.
5. Tag 5 people.
How are you feeling today?
Don't know why- NOrah Jones... i dunno wtf does fatin have to make me do this! D:
Will you get married?
Low-flow rida?! mayb on low budget!! but still most romantic! :D
What is your best friend's theme song?
Skater Boy -Avril lavigne.. HUH?! hahaha... mayb its a skater boy... whee~ :D
What is the story of your life?
Lollipop-Mika... ohh.... so sweet and full of suckin' :D
What was high school like?
All good thing - Nelly furtado hahaha... so many things good things...coming to an end! ): SOB SOB! :D yayness!
How can you get ahead in life?
3am- matchbox 20 whoa so early???! insane.... im still snoring... zzzz...
What's the best thing about your friends?
with love - hillary duff haha! omg my frens are like so lovable and nice :D i love them....except fatin of course...zzz =.= (ii love her best!) :D
What's in store for this weekend?
The way I Are- Timbaland... i dunch know wat the fark this means.... D:
Describe your grandparents.
mercy-duffy!! OMFG!!! hahahaha!! so true... give me mercy from them... :D
How's your life going?
Pac's LIfe -2Pac.... I'm gonna die getting shot by a gun!!! D: ahhhhh!!! the drama! :D so pretty!
What song will they play at your funeral?
Murder on the dance floor- sophie ellis baxter.. omg so i'm gonna get shot on the dance floor... :o omg... mayb its that bastard!! D:
How does the world see you?
I'd love you to want me- LOBO! hahaha... so the world would love me to want them!!! HAHAHAH!!! yayness.. i knew it... no wonder fatin is so all over me.. =x
Will you have a happy life?
Immgrant Song- led zeppelin.. i'm gonna migrate to another country!!! hope somewhere without any sluts like tohlin! :D
Do people secretly lust after you?
Sugar, we're going down- fall out boy... sugar, whoever u are... just come and admit it man... hahaha... i know i'm most wanted :D
How can you make yourself happy?
the take over, the breaks over - fall out boys.. hmm... mayb i have to get into a breakup? wtf? no thanks!?
What should you do with your life?
Karma - alicia keys... OMFG! so true.... karma will get back at me! sad sad sad... so i should look out for my karma and be nice! :D
Will you ever have children?
Mama- MCR... omg... mama? mama pundek!!! mayb from a some old hag mama! :D yay!
What song would you strip to?
Kenangan Terindah - Samsons.. LOL? hahaha... why would i strip to that?
What does your mum think of you?
too little too late- jojo... well mayb i've been a bad boy... so i have to like go and apologise to her today! :D
What is your deep, dark secret?
Chasing Cars - snow patrol... =x omfg! u know my secret!!! D: ahhhhh!!!! i do that in the middle of the night, in my bunny outfit! :D
What is your mortal enemy's theme song?
Just the girl- the click five... eh? i dunno wat to say ... zzzz =.=
What's your personality like?
Me love - Sean kingston... hahaha... pretty pretty... i love myself many many! :D
What song will be played at your wedding?
I'll stand by you- blondie... OMG! this is so true... sob sob.. ):awww.... i'm so sweet! :D
Tag 5 People:
1) Miswan Sazali :D
2) Shafinaz :O
3) Hui Shan D:
4) Jonathan O_O
5)Desiree :D
it's 5:16 PM now
Sunday, November 9, 2008
pretty pretty!!
well, today was not a bad day.... actually it was kinda good... haha... :D
wat a day? well who knows right! hahaha!
Labels: Happy
it's 3:11 AM now
oh great... how great
Friday, November 7, 2008
i just realised a bunchie went out and i thot they all went home... and i'm like stuck at home eating bread and cup noodles cause i thot no one wanted to go out... how great right? oh wells... i guess shit happens, oh wait, shit happens everyday...
in other news.... check it out!!!

pretty right? this is my fyp prototype made from clay!! 8kg!!! :D
and me!
and me again...
oh welllsss... :(
Labels: disappointment
it's 10:24 PM now
the precious lies...
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
oh no... in a slip of my tongue, people can just tell smth that they're not supposed to... so why do we all this fault by default? isnt it easier to tell smth that is true and makes sense instead of trying to avoid it or changing how it goes, or even....TELLING A LIE?
i for one am a liar.... i wont deny that, and anyone who denies that they r a liar shuld be shot down in the nuts....why? cause almost everyone who has the ability to talk would have told a lie at least once in their lifetime, so arent we all liars? but how can we define if someone is lying or telling the truth? well, its just simple by seeing people's reaction to certain thing.... i am one with a bored life, so i have observe how people would react when they lie so then i would avoid it all so i can get away with telling a lie... amazing arent i?
but yeah, some may say, oh so zaid's spastic.... well i wouldnt say that i'm not... neither am i 100% spastic.... there are moments in my life that i try to tell the truth but the truth isnt always wat they seem and not very accpeted by many others.... so why u ask me i remain spastic? it is to be who i cannot be..... simple...
so next time, if u wanna lie to me.... think twice...
it's 9:04 PM now