school's a bore....
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
So yeah the previous poting is like kinda deep and emo but yeah, it's factual and if only people would realise about themselves sooner. i mean its true, people just need to realise their own self instead of being told by someone else.
And last night, i had another incident. Involving 3 parties, including myself of course and it turned out kinda like an awkward moment. i mean really. and i'm sorry for any bad feeling i have cause but it's really not my fault, and i know i'm not perfect material and yeah. but i am who i am. (:
anyways, so right now, i'm like in school! doing FYP! i finally completed my brochure for my fyp la. so cool u know so i wanna show u people! :D

middle piece

this is the front and back..
so yea, i'll get back to my fyp now... cya!
it's 8:55 AM now
Self Reflection
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Well, for a change, this post will be in perfect english, or at least I will try my very best to type in proper complete english. Because this has a special and proper meaning.
Today, a friend of mine told me something which I would consider quite factful but at the same time I wanted to argue with what he had to say. In the end, I decided not to, cause he already had his thoughts in his head and it would be almost impossible to change his mindset. So after talking all that he had to give, the conversation ended with, "Don't bother talking to me about it," and then, "Don't bother to reply," and finally "Thanks."
And so i thought to myself, I have yet lost another friend? I mean if you know me well enough, you would have come to realise that friends come first (no.1) in my life, followed by my lover (no.2), family (no.3), and finally career/job (no.4). The thought of losing a friend is greatly saddening for me and I felt terrible cause it might have been my fault but at the same time, it wasn't entirely my fault. Sigh.
I have this other friend. He confessed to me that he had a few friends, friends that he could and would talk to, 2 to be exact. One was his classmate, another was me. I thought he was kidding my balls, but I realised that was the honest truth. And I felt bad, cause he told me that even if he doesn't have many friends, he is sad, yes, but he treasures them to the fullest extend. I thought to myself, hmm.
Sometimes I wonder if i was born retarded or anything cause I care more about others like x100 than I do for myself. Even sometimes to the extend I am so nice that people start stepping on me and treating me like I'm something not someone. I admit, I'm not totally nice to everyone, but I do try my best to make people happy and laugh. I always try to make people feel like they are a part of something, not apart from something.
Every single moment I get, I will think I feel bad for the things I have done, to my god, my religion, my friends, my family and I wonder why I have done them. But everytime I want to change to a better person, I realised I'd still be condemned by whomever or whatever so it's bring me back to just being horrible.
So before I snap out of this transition, I would like to reach down to the bottom of my heart to ask for forgiveness to god, to my friends, to my family, for the deceat, the lies, the wrong doings, the attitude, the heartpain I have caused or anything else that I might have done to you. Please forgive me. I don't want to die a bad person. I'm sorry.
I'm sorry that I have polluted the young minds with words I should use discretly and sparingly and not on a sentence basis. I'm sorry for talking behind people's back. I'm sorry for all my mistakes, known or not known to me. If I could change it, I wouldn't, honestly no, cause those we the precious memories that I will forever keep in my heart, although it was wrong, the time spend was memorable cause of my friends.
So I asked myself, why have I turned out the way I am today? Is it because of my family? I came from a family that is together and not in piece. Is it because of my friends? But I was the one influencing them. Is it because of the media? But I believe that the media is just crap and just for entertainment. So I looked deep down inside myself, and I finally found the answer i knew ages ago.
Although I had a full family, although i have friends, although I'm not poor, although I have my share of adventure, was I happy? No. You can consider me a fool, "Hey Zaid, you have everything anyone else would ever want, you shouldn't be so selfish, look at other 3rd world countries like Africa (why is it always this country). They have more to be unhappy about!" And so my answer to that would be, although the people in Africa are poor, diseased, dying, sad, at least they have each other, cause they know how every single individual is going through. They are in the same dilemma.
But as for me, I'm not happy because, I never saw the true meaning of happiness in life. I never really got my proper individual life. So maybe I just am being selfish to others. And so I am sorry. I'm sorry I can't be happy for myself. I'm sorry for being a disease to the human race, being someone just walking around aimlessly without purpose.
So for my New Year's resolution, I will be a better child, a better friend, a better human and most importantly, a better me. I will try, so i won't know. Nothing in this world is a 100%, but we can try.
Let's make this world a better place, a place we want our children, our future generation of leaders to take charge and keep peace and fairness. The world isn't gonna last much longer so let's do with what we have left.
With Love.Anything IS Possible.
it's 6:34 PM now
fuck faces!
Monday, December 29, 2008
so yeah... today was the first day of the last few days in my SP life!!! OMG! i cant believe i'll be graduating school soon but at the same time i know its gonna be sad to leave some of those memories and junior behind cause we've been such great frens! but nontheless will always stick ard!!
so yeah, came school on time today... my dad drove me to school... zzzz... makes no difference since i live 5mins aways....haha! then like went straight to IPC and waited for the rest... i had planned to do brochure for our group product/fyp so i asked everyone to dress a little more presentable...
then guoliang came with like a shirt la! cool shit... then cheese came in a normal t-shirt... and ashraf and me wore polo's... hahaha... so we used guo liang's phone to take a few photos and i told them to have fun with it cause i dun want it to seem so boring... :D so i'll post the 4 photos that were used for the real brochure! D:

act cute guo liang.. xD

the ever so seductive me.... LOL...

ashraf looking shocked! D:

cheese sucking his cheeks to "try" to get a slimmer look! LOL!! result? FAILURE!
oh, and today i realised smth! LOL..i found out that the sad looking guinea pig guy that i and oliver was following to CMPB was my fren's BF! LOL! i was like super sure i knew him but i dunno from where! LOL... and he complained to soo mei that her fren stalked him all the way to CMPB.. LOL... wth right? i mean yea, i dun stalk people man... so low for me...
so i asked soomei how he knew that i was her fren so she said he saw me on her phone before... so i asked her which picture.. cause must look glam u see...

i look so funny! this was like 14/10/2008 my birthday!!
well right now all i can do is hope and wait..
wat difference does it make?
i have waited for 1mth before,
i have waited for 6mths before,
i have waited for 1year before,
i have waited for 2 years before,
and i have been waiting for the past 6years...
wat difference would 1 or 2 more years make...?
sometimes we wait cause we believe,
sometimes we wait cause we try,
sometimes we wait cause we wanna know,
but i'll wait,
not just cause i believe, i try and i wanna know,
but cause thats the only thing left to do.. (:
and so i wait.....
it's 7:39 PM now
yeah man...
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Kau membuat, ku berantakan.
Kau membuat, ku tak karuan.
Kau membuat, ku tak berdaya.
Kau menolak ku, acuhkan diri ku.
[chrous 1]
Bagaimana, caranya untuk,
Meruntuhkan, kerasnya hati mu.
Ku sadari, ku tak sempurna,
Ku tak seperti, yang kau inginkan.
[chorus 2]
Kau hancurkan aku dengan sikap mu,
Tak sadarkah kau telah menyakiti ku.
Lelah hati ini meyakinkan mu,
Cinta ini, membunuh ku.
[Chorus 1& 2]
Woo… Hu~u… Haa…
Lelah hati ini meyakinkan mu,
Cinta ini........ membunuh ku.
it's 9:49 PM now
I was bored... LOL..
so lately if u noticed, I HAVE BEEN BLOGGIN IN GREAT AMOUNTS! mayb cause i finally have smth interesting happening here and there? hahah! :D
so yeah got his from fart's blog! lets try!
The rules:
Bold the statements that are true to you.
Italise the statements that you WISH are true.
Leave the fibs alone.
Then, stab 5 guys to do the same test.
alright. here it goes:
I miss somebody right now.I don't watch TV these days.
I own lots of books.
I wear glasses or contact lenses.I love to play video games.I've tried marijuana.I have been in a threesome.
I have been the psycho-ex in a past relationship.I believe honesty is usually the best policy.I curse sometimes.I have changed alot mentally over the last year.I carry my knife/razor everywhere with me.
I'm TOTALLY smart. (am i?)
I've broken someone's bones.I'm paranoid sometimes.I would get plastic surgery if it were 100% safe, free of cost and scar-free.I need money right now.I love sushi.I talk really, really fast.I have long hair.
I have lost money in Las Vegas.I have at least one sibling.I have worn fake hair/fingernails/eyelashes in the past.
I couldn't survive without Caller ID.I like the way I look.I am usually pessimistic.I have a lot of mood swings.I have a hidden talent.I'm always hyper no matter how much sugar I have.I have a lot of friends. I am currently single.
I have pecked someone of the same sex.I enjoy talking on the phone.I practically live in sweatpants or PJ pants.
I love to shop.I enjoy window shopping.I would rather shop than eat. I don't hate anyone, I dislike them.I'm a pretty good dancer.I'm completely embarrassed to be seen with my mother.
I have a cell phone.I believe in God.I watch MTV on a daily basis.I have passed out drunk in the past 6 months.I've rejected someone before.I have no idea what I want to do for the rest of my life.I want to have children in the future.I have changed a diaper before.I've called the cops on a friend before.I'm not allergic to anything.
I have a lot to learn.I have been with someone at least 10 years older or younger.
I am shy around the opposite sex.I have tried alcohol before.I have made a move on my friend's significant other or crush in the past.I own the South Park movie.I would die for my best friends.I think that Pizza Hut has the best pizza.
I have used my sexuality to advance in my career.
I love Michael Jackson, scandals and all.Halloween is awesome because you get free candy.I watch Spongebob Squarepants and I like it.I have dated a close friend's ex.
I am happy at this moment.(VERY)I'm obsessed with guys.
I study for tests most of the time. I tie my shoelaces differently from anyone I've ever met.I can work on a car.I love my job.I am comfortable with who I am right now.I have more than just my ears pierced.
I walk barefoot wherever I can.
I have jumped off a bridge.
I love sea turtles.I spend ridiculous money on makeup.
I plan on achieving a major goal/dream.I'm proficient in a musical instrument.
I've worked at a McDonald's restaurant.
I hate office jobs.I love sci-fi movies.I think water rules.I went college out of state.
I like sausages.I love kisses.I fall for the worst people. (last time)I adore bright colours. (orange! (:)I can't live without black eyeliner.
I don't know why the hell i just did this stupid thing.I usually like covers better than originals.I can pick up things with my toes.I can whistle.I can move my tongue in waves, much like a snake's slither.I have ridden/owned a horse.I still have every journal I've ever written in.
I can't stick to a diet.
I talk in my sleep.
I try to forget things by drowning them out with lots of distractions.
Climbing trees is a brilliant past-time.
I have jazz in my blood.I wear a toe ring.I have a tattoo.I can't stand at least one person that I work with.
I am a caffeine junkie.
I know what cosplaying is.
I have been to over 15 conventions.I will collect anything and the more nonsensical, the better.I'm an artist, I only clean my room when necessary.I love being happy. (like now)I am an adrenaline junkieanyone up for it... go do it... its ur choice... cya! (:
it's 2:22 AM now
2008 comes to a end.... ):
well, as u all mayb have noticed (unless of course u have been living in a cave all this time *gasp*) year 2008 is coming to a quick end in 3days!! so yeah, a friend of mine told me to like reflect on the best moments and friends who have made 2008 the year that it is! so that is just wat i am going to do right now!
its so amazing how 365days can passby like so fast like in a instance? i could still recalll just a year back... how sweet those memories were!
well i have so many many things i dunno which to start with... so i'll start with my secondary school frens first..
QUEENSWAYANS! my click of frens whom usually go out once a week to either, movie, lan, club, eat, chillax or anything actually! haha... these few people are : victor, wenshen, cyril, ahdi, debao, jingzhe, zhihe!
victor: woo! Bettle bug! he's like one of my better frens who's always there to go out with me and have dinner anything... and this guy is like the rest and always making up joke and making me crack a laugh and smile... he is oso one of the guys who got me hooked on DOTA! but i thank him for that! victors always the nice fellow up for anything and definately a great fren! (: thanks vic!
wenshen: haha... wenny, doggy, haha... wat can i say, he's been a great fren and also just wonderful... he's pretty quiet sometimes but he's ok... and he's always up for something! thanks man! u've done good things!
cyril: haha... this dude, i still rmber meeeting him for the first time... i think he didnt like me well... but yeah, he's ok now... LOL.. and he fears my touch! LOL... but cyril is very steady one and he's like the cool guy, always very cool and chill! (:
ahdi: ahdi is like the cutest boy ever with his side parting hair and all! haha... and he's always so nice to everyone and he's a good man inside... haha... always up for a game of dota! :D i still rmber skipping library study sessions with him just to play dota la! LOL... cool shit! ahdi is a a true fren! (:
debao: ahaha... he's always cracking LAME JOKES! i swear to god but yeah, he has a nice and brother way of speaking and always very friendly... (:
jingzhe: haha! OMFG! this racist bastard! and he's my fren and i'm proud of it... jingzhe is always naming people randomly and making fun of people which is actully very entertain and we call him ahzhe! not to forget, he's gonna get married with aini, but not so soon la.. give it a few year! :D
zhihe: haha... the poser a.k.a constantine(wtf right?) well but he's been a close fren since sec 1.. hahah... he's always trying to be cool and trying new trends but yeah, just stick with ur style man... but u're still my fren! (:
these 7 have made a big impact in filling my saturday afternoons and also changing part of my life... cause they have helped shaped me into the person i am today and i'm grateful for it! u guys were the best man! i love y'all! D: *awww*
other secondary school frens are like: novita, dian, babet and katrina!
novita: haha... she's so cute and she's like a really nice person to talk to and be frens with.. although i'm not very close to her, she's a charm! :D
dian: haha... i enjoyed malay lessons partly because of her.. always talking to me and entertain me with all the nonsense and stuff... and yeah, wonderbra does wonders right? HAHAH!! she's such a sweetheart! (:
babet: she's the big girl next door! hahaha... always doing 'rituals' with her to debao! opps! miss those times babe!
katrina: haha... she's like my ultimate babe... i knew her since primary one can! and we're like still besties! hahaha... she's always making me laugh talkin about just everything under the freaking hot sun! and she's like super sweet and nice too! hahaha!(: love you girl!
so yeah after secondary lets go fast forward!
Singapore Poly! hahaha... so many people so yeah... i'll start with
MM CLUB people! omg, this club has chnaged me and shaped me to be the leader and great person i am today.... it got me out of the shy and me comfort zone to be my best! (: i love
MMEC! aww... the MMEC people are : fart, tohlin, eugene, miswan, huishan, oliver, denan, alvin, alex, zulaikha, reena, ivan, danial, wenbin, farhan, timothy, fengyuan... *loves*
fart: she's like my bff/gf/daughter and she's special to me! she's like the one girl in poly i can talk to about everything and stuff! and she's like totally glamour just like me and we r like two peas in a pod! D: not to forget, she's also such a sweet girl and so nice and always ready to go out! and we like totally think almost the same sometimes! *loves*
tohlin: haha! i knew her since first day of poly but club brought us closer! she's such a dear and she's like a very rare type of girl and is totally special! tohlin thank you for being there all these three years! (:
eugene: he's a carfreak! LOL... loves cars many many... he's a very nice guy actually, and always ready to listen to watever i have to rant about! :D
miswan: MARSHMELLOW! he's so cute although i like to harrass him all the time he's still cool with it... sorry miswan! D: u still love me right! haha... also our pro photographer! thanks all this time man! :D
huishan: ms shanny! she's such a sweet small little girl.... she is always all out for frens and always ready to have some fun definately! :D and yeah, she's always very nice and always thinking for others first! :D
oliver: mr emo! haha... now with his mohawk hair.. he's like a brother but he's totally nice... oliver is a person u can count on! (: thanks mohawk man! although i not very nice to u sometimes but yeah, its just me smtimes.. LOL... but u r a good man! LOL.. hope u get ur dream girl!
denan: bangala!! hahaha... i can share my secrets with this guy cause he can keep them! and he's also a very entertaining and fun fren! (: thanks man! hope u and ratna baby last till the end of time! *love*
alvin: crazy little SOB SOB! hahaha... he's like my apprentice this year! hahaha... and he has done a fair good job with all the words picking them up pretty fast! u go man! and yeah, uu're a good person too with a great heart...
alex: hahaha... u and ur china goods... tsk tsk! thanks man!
zulaikha: hahaha... my daughter's daughter! my granddaughter right? hahaha... she's oso another crazy one... i think it runs inside the family! love u!
reena: my daughter's daughter again! hahaha! she's the ms mm lor! dun anyhow play play with her u know.. later she like pounce on u! RAWR!
ivan: hahah... he's a nice fellow and also weird at time! haha! thanks!
danial: hello.... this guys is like fluctuating... but yeah, most of the time horny want to rape me! O: LOL
wenbin: if anyone is a food machine, its wenbin! this guys can eat like continously for a damn long time and he's damn thin la... how does he do it? and he's a very simple and nice guy! (:
farhan: hahah... well thanks man... u're been a great person! (:
timothy: hahaha... this guy is quiet but he can do his job well! very capable person! awesome! thanks!
fengyuan: he's like a senior senior la... haha... and yet some say i look older than him... LOL... must know he's secret to vibrant looks! must be the money! LOL... well he's a nice guys and like my big brother la... and he's always 100% supportive of club! love him!
i dun know wat i would do without u guys in my life... of course it's be boring and also pointless at time... and i'm gonna miss every single one who has been a part of club even those not mention earlier on... rmber me ok? and invite me back... i'm be the next
fengyuan but cooler and younger! x)
MMEC is my life in poly! ): i'm gonna cry...
other poly people are my
FYP GROUP MATES!! ((: they are: ashraf, chee sheun, guo liang! they made the experience of the fyp the most fun fun one i would ever have la! this guys r way cool! ((:
ashraf: thank bro man... this whole fyp journey has been awesome and u like very cool with ur designs and ur jokes! hahah... and how i tempted u to get the ipod touch LOL! hahah.. i'll still rmber it man.. u're awesome man and when u start to talk like to me too! dun worry man our FYP is gonna rock the world!!! thanks alot dude! and yeah, spray the bangala's man! hahah... and i'm gonna get ur ipod! LOL..
chee sheun: aka cheese man! u're the piracy man! u need anythings, heroes, movies, mp3 songs u name it, this guy knows whr's the lobang to get it! wahahaha! really man... chee sheun is a very nice person and he always so nice although i harrass him alot too! LOL... but he wants to sue me! BRING IT ON! LOL... but thanks man! i promise i'll TRY not to harrass u as much! LOL.. :P
guo liang: the genting disease man! hahaha... he's very nice and also very good and hardworking... knew him from cadc camp in year 1 though.. well guoliang is someone who cares alot about wat he does and wants to do it right... thanks man!
FYP mates, lets chiong this last week and make it happen! our project will outshine the rest! we r the best! cause i believe we area and that's all that matters!! :D
other people like some
POLY FRIENDS... lets name some few good ones: shafinaz, abu.... but got alot just just this two i want say la!
shafinaz: haha... met her in year one randomly and we became like super good frens... she's like my awesome bitch and she's always like a good fren always thr to entertain me and surprise me with things! hahaha... so sweet... kill her kill her!! hahaha... and rmber the barbarians! "the drone must die" ahahah... i'm gonna miss those times! thanks BIATCH!
abu: mr. ubaidah! hahaha... he's damn cool and funny man... and he's always there to crack some laughs.. love this kinda frens... and he always has weird opinions and makes things all so funny! hahaha... how awesome right? thanks man!
another bunch in poly i like to thank is
SINGAPORE POLYTECHNIC STUDENT UNION COUNCIL AY 08/09 but got so many inside and i lazy write for all so i gonna say in general! for the ones that voted me to be the chariman for council i'm greatly honoured and happy that u did so cause it has given me so many oppourtunities and made my life at SP awesome although more busy with alot more things to care for and think of but yeah... i hope i have made council 08/09 a wonderful and fun year for u guys that u will rmber me in the times to come as the happiest, merriest and most awesome chairman ever! xD
met some awesome frens from council like, christie, marcus, aisyah, diana, ling yi, yangsu, doreen, akasha, darren, charmaine, celeste and many many many more! I LOVE YOU GUYS! hope u love me too!! and i'm gonna miss u when i leave which is pretty soon... ):
i'm almost at the end of the post.... just one last person... not many really knows but yeah who gives a damn as long as i do right? (:
My Christmas ONE: haha.. u're the greatest gift this year... yeah... makes my 2008 complete to a whole... so yeah, it's pretty cool... and yeah, hope many great things will come and yeah, i hope for the best everyday... (: and who knows right? but right now whr i am, i know... (: and we shall see how far it takes us...
(dont bother asking questions about the last person! LOL..)
so yeah, tt about wraps up my 2008!! i love you guys! i love everyone! :D yeah u know it.... c'mon!
it's 12:50 AM now
i feel different
Saturday, December 27, 2008
haha... oh man..yet another one of those saturdays... pretty much the boring ole' saturdays.. woke up at 8.15am to call Tawan up and then after that i fallen back asleep.. LOL.. amazingly, i woke up shortly at 10am.. so then i laze ard in bed for awhile and then go wash up and turned the computer and tv on.. so yeah, tt's when boredom struck my whole day...
i dunno.. since last night i had well like a weird feeling all of a sudden and it's still there so well mayb it's just haunting me.. BOO! :O so like yeah... i wanted to play dota, had no mood really... just wanted to be outdoor, but i dun like going out alone, sucks balls... =/ and my parents and brother wasnt around and i was home alone and with nth to munch on so i just had a slice of bread for lunch... wonders wat it can do u know!
then i went downstairs for abit to kill time... so yeah, later i just like stoned like infront of the computer for about and hour looking for new wallpapers when i found this two! looks damn nice la!! :D

captain america! (:

this is damn nice! :D
so yeah, then i thought i would go out but then well didnt happen! haha... so i stayed home... haha... watched Ironman & Hancock (i was uber bored) and then like later i'm going down for a jog or smth... i'm seriously tt bored and just get a breather of fresher air..
so now i'm blogging... i already did the post for the SPSU add just needa add the pictures so have to wait for Miswan to gimme the photos! SEND ME Y'ALL! so yeah, i think i shall hop down now... (: cya!
it's 6:31 PM now
WARNING! post with tons of photos! : D
haha... so yeah in the morning i went to CMPB to my NS medical check so yeah... suppose to meet oliver at queenstown MRT at like 7.45am but he was like late la... only arrive at 8plus... tsk tsk.... so after he arrive, me and him when to the busstop and took 195 thr... and just our luck, we reached the busstop as the bus reached....yay!
so like neither of us knew the way thr so we were kinda lost people... i mean we have never been thr before wat! haha... but luckily got a guinea pig subject for us to follow!! we knew he was also going for the checkup cause we saw he had the CMPB medical form so yeah, we pretended to be dumb but stalked him...
hahahaha!! so we just followed this sad looking fellow all the way and like yeah he led us straight to CMPB! there was this part, he went to ask the bus driver the direction when the bus came to a stop and we like looked and looked then when he got off we oso got off and trailed him! D: and we reached CMPB
hahaha... i tell u that was the most boring 4hours of my entire life sia! so many people la, and all like so POLY people... then also met justin and liang ming who were also thr taking their tests... hahah... but ok la.... was cool to see all the weirdest tests being carried out! the freaking IQ test is a no brainer thing... LAME!! WEEE~
then like at about 12.30pm we both finished our tests! so oliver when eunos to get his dad's car and i went to school to checkup on the fyp progress!! hahaha... at school met ashraf and cheese and guo liang were playing left for dead... so after that...about 2 went back home... bathed again and got chnaged... wee~
today we had spsu add at conrad hotel it was kinda like a dissapointment but it was ok... hmmm... so yeah, i got my outfit proper and like wee~ down to orchard road asap! hahaha! OMFG! orchard had like a mad traffic congestion la... insane!!! so yeah lucky i made to marina square just in time to meet the rest and we headed off to CONRAD HOTEL!
i met tohlin, eugene, fatin and ivan first at from there we made our way... :D i swear fatin and tohlin had trouble wearing their heels! hahaha... tolhin walked as if she had big big balls! hahaha! and fatin was walking like "wonderwoman"... MY ASS!
hahah! then the first we met at CONRAD was like denan! looking handsome! and then we saw oliver with his newly cut punk mohawk hairstyle...SERIOUSLY COOL BUT SCARY!! D: (later u see photos) then got miswan oso our camera man! hahaha... and reena wearing all white! and also din looking fabulous!
yeah, the theme was hollywood glamour! and everyone was dressed to kill... hahaha... well, not kill but to be GLAM! LOL... amron was like totally being a camwhore the whole night! *OH DEAR GOD WAT HAVE I DONE* yeah, it was okay, it was emceed by SHAN WEE~! veejay from 98.7fm! u know tt guy la.. LOL... anyways....
so yeah lots of photos and camwhoring sessions so watch them! (:

pretty me with a rose outside!

yeah denan shaking it out! :D

the other people... (of non importance)

me and fart! :D wedding continues!

would u like a beer? haha... i'm an awesome bartender! D:

me and christie... (: the hot secretary! *licks*

fart, aisyah and me! (:

me and tohlin! so pretty!

me taking advantage....erm i mean HUGGING xin jie! (:

muacks to tohlin! D: *GASP!*

fatin and me continue our photos shots... *so romantis*

oliver with his punk mohawk hairstyle.... awesome! :D

the ever so hot and BUSTY reena! woo~!

"oh look! its a peanut!" *snap snap*

me, reena, fart and denan... FAMILY! and as u can see... the colour scheme changes from whites to darkest, even skin tone... D:

my hair brushed tattoo! haha... it reads "BAD GIRL"... so funny!

armed and dangerous! RAWR!

taking peanuts while waiting for the doors to open! yummy!

me posing with the shiny cup and fart eating 'glamly'

opps... extra abit... fart and reena!

this christmas tree made from bears! cool right!

i'm peeking *boo*

my ladies... : D

food! (some mushroom with spinach dish)

this was fish with some herbs and spices if i'm not mistaken

slurps... ling yi and ying li having soup!

some weird soup dish.... xD

starters platter (chinese)

my name! vip seats y'all! (BORING) i actually took this home! LOL.. me and a few other?

starters platter (MUSLIM!)

i cant rmber wat this was.. but it was kinda nice... some fish...

me and kian tat's name... :D

me and kian tat... notice his facial expression! __

me and kian tat... outside the ballroom! i hated those suspenders!

pretty siol! :D

me and yang su! (:

me giving chun heng his christmas present! D:

me and ling yi (:
after the ADD me and the gang went to suntec mcdonalds to fill our stomaches... and we reaslised tt mac does a much better job than CONRAD hotel... haha!
it's 1:13 AM now
Thursday, December 25, 2008
it's 5:22 PM now
love is really unique...i see....

well who said christmas couldnt get any better?? cause it just did... like a trillion times better than it ever could or would! :D hahaha... xD
so yeah, i just wanna update now cause i had a thought just now in the train... see i was on the NEL toward harbour front... and as u all know we pass by the indian populated areas so there's bound to be a few like going in and out....
so yeah, to most of us, indians r like always critised and made fun of because of several reasons... i dunno why... i do it to i admit.... so then just now on the train an indian guy came in with his thick moustache and hi indian fragrant... haha... he was wearing those hazy tops and grey pants and just acting like a normal person...but...i giggled.... *sob*
then on the next stop... an indian family, grandma, husband and wife and 2 kids(one in the pushing thing and another was being held in the arms of the dad) and another one, father, mother and child, came into the train... and i thought to myself, oh boy one hell of a bad ride... then... smth changed me...
i saw that the indian families, both real loved each other and i could see them caring for their young just like any other race would... i saw them sharing love with each other even if the looked funny with the moustache they still loved each other... then i looked ard, i saw some people looking and them and giggling and just giving them the look and i thought to myself, but arent they normal people too, just mayb a little different?
i mean, they love, the have 2 eyes, 2 legs, 1 head and so on.... arent they still human? yet everytime we see them, we insult and make fun of them cause they r just... different....but they dun seem to care at all, cause they have each other.... they knew they were different yet they were still who they r! and i saw smth i should have seen long ago... people dun accpet different things...
examples, gay, lesbians, retards, mental people.... so many to choose from... these people are being labeled every single time, cause why....they r just different.... but i ask u... wat makes u, YOU....wat makes u special? the answer is being different from other ard you... so actually this people r pretty special...just that mayb we r too thick headed to see that... and mayb just mayb if we saw tt, people would have decent lifes... (:
i swear i will learn to respect people more....

: D
it's 1:15 AM now
christmas with the mm homies.. :D
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
hello all!!! ytd, 23rd december was the christmas day out for our MMEC groupie!! hahaha... so yeah, as per normal i had fyp in the morning...boring...zzzzz....and which i endeed up coming only at 11am! hahaha... and i left at 1.15pm to catch up with the rest!! D:
so yeah, the rest of them, shanny, tohlin, fart, reena, zac, miswan, alvin were at the national museum looking at the singapore history gallery... so yeah, they took lots of photos but i didnt wanna put them up cause i'm not inside so yeah... LOL... but i just wanted to post one funny one! HAHAHAH! cant stop laughing looking at it....

tohlin working on her gun... HAHAH!
so yeah after that i popped up right infront of them and hahaha! they were shocked.... D: so got many photos...

group photo!! (:

group photo2... *brighter*

me and shanny... (:

christmas tree photo... :D
then after that we walked all the way to city halll... shall not post pictures of the journey cause my blogger like will lag due to so many pictures! D:

unglam shot.... xD

my so called "mat rep" bag which is nice lor!

oh ya.... this is wedding photo no.1! LOL... got a whole edition!
then from city hall we went to marina square to chill..... and camwhore ard i guess.... haha!

me & zac!

family photo.... me:daddy, fart:my daughter, zac and reena: my granddaughters... i feel old

wedding photo 2.. :D

me and reena... (when she was about to leave)

rofl... BALLSSS!!! *ooooo*

snap snap snap! LOL..

HAHAH! alvin trying out to be a barbie girl... LOL...


sex toys for children... *battery not included*

awww.... sleeping beauty...

fluffy bear! :P

fruit of my labour..... D:

candid sia! :D

awww.... *woof*

boob check.... *yeah, they r still there alright*

our christmas decorations! D:

barbie wannabe... x_x

pssst.... her secret to great boobs...


we r not together... just being retarded.... HAHAHA!
dinner time!! :D

eugene and toh...

smile! :D



more food! (:


denan and oliver finally came! :D

trip to toilet turned camwhores.... D:

quick snap... LOL

group photo! :D

ohhhh... O_O

presenting unwrapping...

present time! :D baking cookies!

excited little fatin! hahaha! D:

and it is.... underwear too!!! :D

me and tohlin! hahaha!

hahaha... naughty lil sucker..

eugene is so pretty... xD

city link malls... :D

rawr! haha!
yeah... and after that went to ice camp christmas bbq at school and bought hmv vouchers for the present trading... hahaha... i was losing ym mind thinking of wat to buy... LOL..
then home...!
although i was out the whole day, it felt like i was close all the time...mayb tt's wat they call being one..
it's 8:41 AM now