update! (:
Monday, January 19, 2009
well after much un updating... i'm here for a short update... i'm just being lazy as per normal and well there's nth much which i wanna update about anyways... :D
so yeah, right not my mess in life is slowly being cleared and i hope things will get better... i always hope for a better tomorrow, cause we all should never give up on hope no matter how tiny it is cause when we believe, things CAN come true... (:
in life, just like in fairy tales, there are happy endings if we wanna... :D
LOL... so yah... so lazy liao...... :P cya
it's 12:23 PM now
Monday, January 12, 2009
OMFG! Spinnovex is like finally over! the days of sleepless nights due to ROBOLEON is finally over cause well its over... hahaha!
and like i have been sleeping for like a total of 28hours on friday and staurday! hahahahaha... like some babi! WHOOOOO~~~~~~ but its alright... i still have like mini eyebags but my pimples suddenly went *poof*... so glam... so yeah...
was kinda fun la, but oso kinda boring... (: so yeah! its over!!
it's 11:04 AM now
SPinnovex day 2!
Friday, January 9, 2009
hahaha... well its the morning of the 9th of january and i'm like sitting down and bloggin while waiting for the rest to come over! :D
i wonder whr they are right now... =.= always so late la, never on time... tsk tsk...
oh wells last night managed to catch 5hours of sleep so i'm kinda pumped up although i might faint anytime... :D anyways, ytd was a nice day ok.. and well it was kinda tiring but still nice... but i know today will be even more tiring! hahaha!
it's 8:43 AM now
Thursday, January 8, 2009
OMFG!! SPinnovex is like super killer... so many things r like happening and its like super duper hard to cope right now.... i'm pushing myself to my limits but i know its for a good cause... hahha.. oh wells lots of things have been happening lately so its like been difficult... ):
oh wells...2days more....
it's 10:14 PM now
Monday, January 5, 2009
WEEE OOOHH~~ *sweet escape tune*
OMG, so yeah i was emo for several days staright since new year but yeah, i'm like back to the old me... the one who is like totally over things and wonderful! why? cause i know myself best.. HAHA! anyways like yeah, recently i've been doing things i would never have imagined doing! like little little stuff, dun worry, i'm not selling myself off the streets cause like yeah, it would be too much of a discount.. LOL.... (i dun even know what i just typed but hell yeah)
so yeah, fyp is like great!!! OMG! i cant beleive it SPinnovex is like coming and KARMA is like on my side for the past few years so yeah... i'll hope for the best but always prepare for the worst! : then like yeah, so those who are free during 8, 9th January which is like this CUMING thursday and friday (dun try to ignore u freaking readers!!!) do come to W1115 at SP erm IPC to see my B-E-A-U-TIFUL project! but pls la, like call before u come else i like so unglam... LOL...
anyways, i'm gonna live my life back for my grandma! i swear she's awesome.. nah just kidding but i think emoness is just meant for sad and i am not sad people, but i know a few who just cant accept it... :D so yeah... oh weekedns we're fab, made tons of frens and like been out like so mother fucker! HAHAH! i love me! *hugs*
so yeah during fyp over the weekends did some fun and crazy thing and my domokuns turn on each other... hahah btw, fyi i bring 3 stuff toys to school everyday, 1 is baby domo, 2 is mama domo, 3 is this chameleon i bought which happens to have the same birthday as me(like super cool i know)! hahaha... so yeah did smth funny so see the photo!!
baby domokun got BACKSTABBED by mam domokun! HAHAHA! *RAWR! so eff-ing cute right?
anyways i'm back to my project... cya...
it's 8:09 AM now
life is life, it comes and go..
Saturday, January 3, 2009
well, i think 2009 is gonna be one of the most depressing years of my life. i swear to god. i dunno, alot of small things have be happening around and i dunno wat more to expect in life. sometimes life is like a meteor, it burns so bright in the sky, so beautiful but then it hits u, it makes a hole in u and even destroys a part of u.
moments, the last awhile but they burnt out and die in time.... some of us, we take moments in life for granted, so i've been told, i do sometimes, but i do try my best to do wat i can.. i know it doesnt seem right, but yeah, i dunno.. in fact i feel terrible, i feel horrible, all my life, i dont know man... i just want to stop time and be in my own space. i dun really share my thoughts to people and i just bottle them up cause i'm not very open... i dunno, mayb it my fault i'm so miserable.
so yeah, i'm in the point of my life, where i need to just find a something to fill my time completely so i dun get diistracted, but honestly its impossible. and yeah, wat i've heard its true, wat i wrote its true, its just how i feel, so its me... i saw smth in me, and mayb its just been in me but its just never been out.. so yeah.. life is temporray, u mayb die in the blink of an eye, so life it to the fullest, speak ur mind, let the world know u r part of it, that u have a role to play.
u know its true. yeah, it's never easy, i will try, cause yeah, i wont give up. (:
it's 12:28 AM now
new year stuffs! (:
Friday, January 2, 2009
so yeah, new year eve was half day in poly... so then i went to club after fyp-ing and then ask them if they wanted to go anywhere! everyone was super bored and dead so i decided to ask them go to west coast park(old ginza plaza) to like check it out and like walk around!!
so yeah... let some picture do the talking...

west coast plaza!
so we hadnt had lunch so decided to have Fish & co. for lunch! oh btw only alvin miswan fart and me went thr! hahaha....

the butter mussels.. (: *yummy*

the aftermath of hungry people! D:

miswan munching with something in his fingers... hmm...

so yeah, we decided to get the seafood feast thing... D:

crazy alvin! D:

it was gone! :D *poof*

hungry people... i'm sure u couldnt tell... =x

oh... alvin's ice creation....
so yeah, fish and co was like in the anniversary month or smth so they gave away ballong sculpture to CHILRDEN... haha... so yeah, thr was this really pretty and nice girl working there, so i saw a ballon sculture of a helicopter, i asked her could i have it... so she said of course... so sweet! :D then i went around playing with it... LOL!

tt's me... looking kinda stupid but funny la... HAHA!
so after tt i decide to just see fireworks! sian right? so some pictures i manged to capture...
yeah... i know my photo taking sucks, but yea... xD
i know i think too much, sometimes these thought make me a better person, and at least i know that sometimes its always too late... but maybe it's just how it is... (:
i'm not a bastard, i try not to be, but sometimes, it's just so difficult for people to understand certain things... hmmm... i'm only human, and a human with no soul.... so yeah, i feel kinda empty but yeah, i know tt i can fill it up slowly, with time... (:
it's 8:06 PM now